BBC News Thousands of employees at the US Agency for International Development (USAID) will be placed on leave from Friday...

Battle for Bardheere: Federal Assault on Jubaland Sparks Outcry for Regional Mediation
Kismayo (WDN)— Jubaland authorities accused Somali federal forces under President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud of launching a military assault on Baardheere,...

Puntland Forces Launch Coordinated Offensive Against Daesh in Al-Miskaad Mountains
Bossaso (WDN)–Puntland security forces, in coordination with international partners, launched a significant military operation last night targeting Daesh militants entrenched...

Puntland Forces Intercept Boat Carrying Military Supplies off Bari region Coast
Bosaso (WDN)- In a significant operation aimed at disrupting terrorist logistics, Puntland security forces seized a boat carrying military uniforms...

Al-Shabaab Terrorists Kidnap Five Local Officers in Kenya
Garowe (WDN) – Gunmen from the terrorist group Al-Shabaab have kidnapped five local Officers in Mandera County, Kenya, while they...

592 migrants intercepted off Libyan coast over past week: IOM
TRIPOLI, (Xinhua) — The International Organization for Migration (IOM) on Tuesday said that 592 migrants were intercepted off the coast...

Somalia’s Missed Opportunity for Reconciliation and the Path Forward Through Leadership
By Bashir M. Sheikh-Ali There was a time when Somalia could have pursued reconciliation. When the war ended, when the...

Lessons from Afghanistan for Somalia: Avoiding a Security Collapse
By Mohamed Mukhtar The collapse of the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF) in 2021 offers crucial lessons for...

Former Warlord, Senator Abdi Awale Qaybdiid: A Man of Many Faces
By Abdiqani Haji Abdi On March 19, 2024, 71 members of both houses of the Federal Parliament of Somalia, including...

Puntland’s Military Offensive Against ISIS and Its Wider Security Implications – ISIS Spreading its Wings Across Africa
By Mohamed A Yasin Introduction President Said Deni Launches Second Phase of Counterterrorism Campaign President Said Deni of Puntland delivered...

The Role of Nomadic Somali Women in Conflict Mitigation and Livestock Recovery
By Wilo Abdulle Osman In rural Somalia, livestock is a vital economic and social asset, often serving as a family’s...

How Trump’s second term (2025-2028) relates in a Historical Turbulent and chaotic World accounts
By Osman A Hassan Trump’s second term (2025-2028) policies are speculative at this point, as they haven’t been fully defined,...

Puntland oo guulo ka soo hoysay dagaalada Daacish ee deegaanada Buuraleyda Bari
Boosaaso (WDN)- Puntland oo dhawaanahanba ka waday dagaalo deegaanada buuralyeda Bari, ay kula jirto maleeshiyaadka Daacish, ayaa guulo ka soo...

Muqdisho: Cunno xumo, biyo yari iyo hoy la’aan isku biirsaday qoysas colaad ay soo barakicisay
(ERGO) – Qoyska Cabdkariim Filfil Axmed oo 7 qof ah waxay wajahayaan biyo yari, cunno xumo iyo hoy la’aan tan...

Abaabul Mooshin ka dhan ah Ra’iisal Wasaare Xamsa Cabdi Barre oo ay wadaan Xildhibaanada Golaha Baarlamaanka
Muqdisho (WDN)- Warar isa soo taraya ayaa sheegaya in xildhibaanno ka tirsan Golaha Shacabka ee Baarlamaanka Federaalka Soomaaliya oo dhawaan...

Dolphin Bakhti ah oo ku soo caariyay xeebta Boosaaso
Boosaaso (WDN)- In ka badan 110-Dolphin oo bakhti ah ayaa la sheegay in ay ku soo caariyeen meel aan ka...

Beeraleyda Bari oo 5 sano kaddib goostay dalagga timirta oo ay faa’iido dhaqaale ka heleen
Maxamed Raage Cali oo ah aabbaha 14 carruur ah ayaa tan iyo bishii September ee sanandkaan awood u yeeshay in...

Jowhar: Rag shaqo xoogsi ah ay ka istaagtay oo ka quustay maaraynta nolosha qoysaskooda
Qoyska Xuseen Cabdi Yuusuf waxaa ku adag inay helaan cunto hal waqti ah tan iyo bishii Oktoober ee sanadkan. Waxaa...

Adkeysi: Gorfeyn Buug
Qoraaga Gorfeynta: Ibraahim Aaden ShireQoraaga buugga: Cabdiraxmaan Cabdishakuur Adkaysi waa buug cusub oo soo baxay 1-dii Disember 2024. Waxaan nasiib...

Somaliland: Maxaa Sababay Guuldarradii MW Biixi ee Doorashadii Madaxtooyada ?
W.Q. Maxamuud Cabdillahi Axmed “Dhacdooyinka ayaa, wiilkayow, suga siyaasadda” – Harold Wilson (R/wasaare hore, UK). “Mucaaridku ma helo guusha doorashada,...

Tayeynta iyo Xallinta Caqabadaha Waxbarashada Soomaaliya
Dr. CabdiNuur Sheekh Maxamed Qoraalkaan wuxuu diiradda saarayaa caqabadaha waxbarashada dalka ka jira iyo sidii xal waara loogu heli lahaa,...

Marxuum Cabdiraxmaan Cabdulle Cismaan (Shuuke): Nin culus baa baxay oo banneeyay boos aan la buuxin Karin”.
Farax Aw-Cismaan Innaa Lillaahi Wa innaa Ilayhi Raajicuun Marka koowaad waxaan tacsi tiiraanyo leh u dirayaa dhammaan qoyska Reer Cabdulle...

Quluub wada jirtaa qaran dhista
W/Q Xasan Yuusuf Waal Beyd ku jira Gabayga Xumaanta Qabyaaladda ee uu tiriyay AUN Cabdullaahi Suldaan ‘Timacadde’ ayaa oranaya “Qof...

Dowlad Dhis ay Xuddun u Tahay Aragti Amni Qaran
W/Q Xuseen Macallin Maxamuud Sheekh-Cali Muddo dheer kaddib marki dib loo yagleelay dowladnimada Soomaaliya, waxaa aragti istiraatiijiyadeed u ah DFS...

By WardheerNews Editorial “In it are Signs Manifest; (for example), the Station of Abraham; whoever enters it attains security; Pilgrimage...

A Fresh Vision: Fowzia Haji Adan AU Chairwoman Candidate
WardheerNews Editorial The African Union (AU), founded in 2002, as a successor to the Organization of African Unity (OAU) established...

Is the lifting of arms embargo on Somalia a timely decision?
WardheerNews Editorial On December 1, 2023, the 15-member body of the United Nations Security Council lifted the over 30–year arms...

Doorashooyinka Puntand: Daaraasad Gaar ah- Ururka Kaah iyo Gobolka Sanaag
Tifaftirka WardheerNews Hordhac: Soomaliya guud ahaan muddo ka badan 54 sano kama aanay dhicin doorashooyin qof iyo cod (1p1v) heer...

The Hassan- Hamza administration ushering in a paradigm change
WardheerNews Editorial As millions of Somalis are celebrating the dual events of the 62nd birthday of their nation and the...

State Building: Reconstruction from bottom up
WardheerNews Editorial Section 1 of Article 1 of the Somali Draft Constitution starts with these solemn words: “Somalia is a...

Adkeysi: Gorfeyn Buug
Qoraaga Gorfeynta: Ibraahim Aaden ShireQoraaga buugga: Cabdiraxmaan Cabdishakuur Adkaysi waa buug cusub oo soo baxay 1-dii Disember 2024. Waxaan nasiib...

When Prophets Muhammad and Musa (Moses) Met in Heaven
By: Spahic Omer According to several authentic hadiths or traditions of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, during the event of the Mi’raj (ascension into...

Zooming to the past: An interview with Kenyan writer and photojournalist Rasna Warah
Editors note: WardheerNews is honored to share once again an insightful interview with the renowned Kenyan writer and veteran journalist,...

Why Does Falsehood Fear Islam?
By: Spahic Omer Life on earth is a constant confrontation between truth and falsehood. If the notion of a level playing...

Tayeynta iyo Xallinta Caqabadaha Waxbarashada Soomaaliya
Dr. CabdiNuur Sheekh Maxamed Qoraalkaan wuxuu diiradda saarayaa caqabadaha waxbarashada dalka ka jira iyo sidii xal waara loogu heli lahaa,...

Politics, Intervention, and Proxy Wars in the Horn of Africa Region (HoA)
By Faisal A. Roble Introduction This essay is based on two unpublished manuscripts on the Political Economy of Intervention and...

How Islamic Principles Can Solve Modern Economic Inequality?
By: Siraj Mufti God sent Islam as a blessing for humankind, providing solutions for the problems faced. God has sufficed the...

Kismaayo: Qoysas dib-u-dajin loo sameeyay oo wajahaya shaqo la’aan sababtay cunno xumo
(ERGO) – Boqol, konton iyo siddeed qoys oo dib-u-dajin loogu sameeyay deegaanka Luglow, markii laga raray xero ku taalla Kismaayo ayaa...

News Analysis: Somali Ankara Talks – Not all Missed Opportunities
Mogadishu (WDN)- Following Ethiopia’s high level delegation which requested mediation between Somalia and Ethiopia, in May 2024, Turkish foreign Minister...