Tag: Somaliland

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Baadiyow and Somaliland: A Tale of a Statement

By Hassan M. Abukar On May 18, 1991, the Somali National Movement (SNM) declared the secession of the  northern region of Somalia from the rest of the country—a declaration that was met by a chorus of criticism and condemnation. Particular among these critics was the Islamic Movement of Somalia, which produced a four-page statement in...


Extending Federal Membership to Northern Somalia is Long Overdue

By Osman Hassan Introduction. This article is on the pressing need to extend the federal system to northern Somalia and in particular to the unionist SSC regions which happen to be the only ones in the north crying for it. Their perspective on the federation, the central government and its member states and their relations...


Bewitched By Colonial History: The Existential Threat to Somali State

By Bashi Hosh The expression or rather the phrase, “Former Somalia”, has come to emerge as a political discourse for dissatisfied Somalis. Where does it come from and what this phrase means to the world in general and the Somalis, in particular, is unknown. It was first coined by Edna Aden, the spouse of late...


Somaliland abuzz from Ethiopia’s khat convoys

Narcotic plant is a huge tax-revenue earner that bolsters the region’s economy, but also disrupts family life ByJames Jeffrey  An assistant at a khat stall in Hargeisa displays bunches of the narcotic plant [James Jeffrey/Al Jazeera] Hargeisa, Somalia – Every day trucks loaded with the narcotic plant khat, grown in northeastern Ethiopia, hurtle along rough roads...