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My Canjeero Should Stay out of Politics. Period!

My Canjeero Should Stay out of Politics. Period!

By: Boodhari Warsame If only I could remeber exactly which year or month was it, but it was indisputably an infamous day in my childhood. On that day, I , as usual, came back from Dugsi for one of those highly coveted daily quraac breaks, extremely hungry and angry at everybody, including the merciless macallin...

Dhugmo: Dhismaha Meeris Gabayga

Dhugmo: Dhismaha Meeris Gabayga

Sidaad badankiinnu ogtihiin, meeris gabay ihi waxa uu u kala qaarmaa hojis iyo hooris. Sida kale, waxa uu meeriskani u kala baxaa sal iyo farcan. Salnimada iyo farcannimadu waxay saamaayeen hojiska oo qudha. Guud ahaan, hojiska saleedi waxa uu yeeshaa soddoniyo-laba qaab; hojiska farcanka ahna intaa in ka badan. Dhugmadeennan maanta waxaan ku ekaanaynaa furfurista...

The Al-Shabab Implosion: Featuring Foreign Jihadists

The Al-Shabab Implosion: Featuring Foreign Jihadists

Several years ago, Somalia’s Al-Qaeda affiliate, Al-Shabab, was the first jihadi group to use Twitter to transmit its messages. These days, it is on that same social networking medium that the group’s dirty laundry is being aired. In a span of three weeks in April, Ibrahim Al-Afghani, one of the top leaders of Al-Shabab and...

Dhoodaan: Maansoyahan aan kaalintiisii la Buuxin karin

Dhoodaan: Maansoyahan aan kaalintiisii la Buuxin karin

Cabdillaahi Macallin Axmed (Dhoodaan), Alle ha u naxariisto.  Geeridiisa waxaa ku baxay gabayaa iyo abwaan aan marna meeshiisii cid buuxisa la heleynin.  Hibadiisa halabuurnimo qof  aan barbardhigo, marka ay tayda tahay, ma garanayo. Dhoodaan, Alle ha u naxariisto, maanso ahaan, waxaan ku tilmaami karaa ifafaale ay soo noqnoqoshadiisu dhif tahay. Waxa uu gooni ku ahaa...

Dinasoor iyo Doolli (Sheeko gaaban)

Dinasoor iyo Doolli (Sheeko gaaban)

W.Q. Siciid Jaamac Xuseen Xilligii  waa is-dooriyey Adduunku intiisii hore waa isaga soo dhowaaday; Qalabka warfaafinta isbeddelka xad-dhaafka ah ee ku dhacay ayaa dunidii kala durugsanayd tuulo yar ka soo saaray, dadkii  kala fogaana qoys keliya oo goor kasta kala war qaba ka yeelay. Hase yeeshee, sidii baa maalin walba qiso lala yaabaa waa kasta...

Memorandum on the Dialogue between The Federal Government and Somaliland

Memorandum on the Dialogue between The Federal Government and Somaliland

Dear Mr. President: We wish, first of all, to underscore the irrefutable fact that the secession in the far North of our country is fuelled by the Isaq clan led by SNM elements. The other clans in the North (Warsangeli, Dhulbahante, Gadabursi and Issa) are strongly opposed to secession and strongly favour the unity of...


Prejudices and politics in Somalia

Warsan Cismaan Saalax E-Mail: Imagine a scenario where a colleague and I are catching up on things in a reception following a research event, are approached by a tall dark, handsome man who said loudly: “nothing like home” in an apparent invitation for us to engage in some sort of conversation.  I exchanged a...

The Culture of Politics: The Somali Experience

The Culture of Politics: The Somali Experience

Introduction Following his extensive expedition into the hinterlands of the Somali ecology, Sir Richard Burton, the 19th century acentric British explorer, in his eventual meetings with several Somalis chiefs, in particular Garad Adan Garad Koshin ( Geri) and Sultan Sharmarke ( Issak), gained an intrinsic understanding of Somali kinship, culture, religion, and their system of governance. ...

50 year old Uganda and Ethiopia host of OAU/AU for 50 years

50 year old Uganda and Ethiopia host of OAU/AU for 50 years

Uganda is a 50 year old independent African country unlike Ethiopia that has been hosting OAU/AU for five decades while enjoying her own thousands of years of “independent” history. Ironically, Ethiopia has no independent institution which is equally inhabited by independent minded people who refuse to be bullied by the establishment. While Ethiopian Kangaroo Courts...

DHOODAAN (Baroor diiq)

DHOODAAN (Baroor diiq)

Waxa Tiriyay: Faarax Cali “Gammuute” E-Mail: Meel geri go’an ah ayaan waayadanba ku laallaa. Markaan ka soo laabtayna, Alle haw naxariistee,  geerida Dhoodaan bay igaga naxsadeen. Sida falaadheed bay iigu soo boodday. Waa se halkii Dalaayade, “Godob li’i ninkii kala tagaa; guusha  weyn sida e”. Lagu waarimaayoo waa run.  War baa se ka hadhay....