Wednesday, July 03, 2024
Wardheer News

TACSI: Marxuum Siciid Jaamac Xuseen

Bahda tifatirka shabakadda WardheerNews waxay iyagoo ka tiiraanyaysan halkan tacsi uga dirayaan Qoyskii, ehelkii, asxaabtii iyo guud ahaanba shacabka Soomaaliyeed geerida naxdinta leh ee ku timd Qoraa Sare Macillin Siciid Jaamac Xuseen oo xalay ku geeriyooday magaalada London ee dalka … Continued

The Uyghurs in China now live in a giant, open air prison camp

By Steven W. Mosher There’s a cultural genocide taking place in China right now against the nation’s Uyghur minority. Aggressively monitored by Chinese authorities and faced with the constant threat of arrest or torture, this Turkish-speaking people in China’s Far West … Continued

Understanding Hajj Beyond Rituals

BY: MAULANA WAHIDUDDIN KHAN HAJJ is one of the fundamental pillars of Islam. Like other forms of worship in Islam, Hajj is based on God-consciousness. At the same time, it has a unique feature—it is linked to the life of Prophet … Continued

Bishaaro: Dharka Jimicsiga Haweenka Muslimiinta

Waxa ay Modst Gym ugu bishaaraynaysaa haweenka muslimiinta ee ku dhaqan dalka Biritayn in ay u hayso dhar asturan oo tayo leh, cabbirkooduna kala duwanyahay, looguna talo galay xilliga ay samaynayaan jimicsiga. Qiimuhu waa mid ku raaligelin doono. Haddaba haddii … Continued

Will People Get Bored in Paradise?

BY: SPAHIC OMER One of the charges often leveled against Islam is that the inhabitants of Paradise (Jannah) will get bored eventually. Some people yet go further and remark sarcastically that the condition of Hell will be better, for all the … Continued

Ciid Wanaagsan

Bahda Tifaftirka WardheerNews waxay halkan ugu hambalyaynayaan munaasibadda Ciidul Firti dhammaan muslimiinta gaar ahaan shacabka Soomaaliyeed. Waxay Ilaahay uga baryayaan in uu ka aqbalo soonkii iyo cibaadadii kale ee ay gudanayeen bisha barakaysan ee Ramadaan. Waxaan Eebbe ka rajaynaynaa in … Continued

The Night of Power

 BY: SAJID UMAR The Night of Power, also known as the night of Decree and in Arabic known famously as ‘Laylatul Qadar’, is a significant night during the month of Ramadan for Muslims all over the world. For it was on … Continued