Tuesday, April 16, 2024
Wardheer News

Fatwa in the Age of AI

BY: MOHAMED MAHMOUD HABIB AI and Religion: Fatwa and the Challenges of the Third Millennium The past decade has witnessed astonishing developments in the field of artificial intelligence and its widespread applications in various aspects of life, including the religious domain. … Continued


W.Q: Cabdulcasiis Maxamuud Macallin Ereyga qalaad ee Federaal (Federation) wuxuu dhacaa marka laba shay laysku daro si ka dib loogu isticmaalo hal shay ahaan. Wuxuu leeyahay dhadhan (connotation) in waxa laysku darayaa si uun u kala duwan yihiin, sida digir … Continued

The Advent of Humanity’s Sunshine (PBUH)

BY: MANSOOR ALAM Prophet Ismail (PBUH) had 12 sons. His second son Qaydaar (قیدار) settled in Hijaz and became the custodian of Kaaba built by Ibrahim (PBUH) and Ismail (PBUH). Prophet Ismail’s descendants, over time, became a large community. They expanded … Continued

Fighting for Allah vs. Something Else 

BY: SPAHIC OMER During the battle of Uhud there was a person whose name was Qazman. He participated in the combat and was found among the wounded. He fought heroically, killing seven or eight idolaters. “He was weakened by the wounds … Continued

Is the Shahada a free ticket to paradise?

BY: MAJD ARBIL In a Hadith, Mu’adh bin Jabal relates that Prophet Muhammad ﷺ told him, “If anyone testifies sincerely that there is no god except Allah, and Muhammad is His slave and Messenger, truly from his heart, Allah will safeguard … Continued

Axmed Naaji Sacad oo Caawa London Ku Geeriyooday

London,(WDN)- Ilaah naxariistii janno ha ka waraabiyee waxaa caawa magaalada London ee caasimadda Biritayn ku geeriyooday fannaankii weynee ee Axmed Naaji Sacad. Fannanka oo ka mid ahaa kuwa ugu caansan bahda fanka Soomaaliyeed ayaa waxa uu ku dhashay magaalada Muqdisho … Continued

What are the Important Questions in Our Life?

 BY: MUHAMMAD MUMTAZ ALI Are there any important questions in our life that have not been raised yet? We have taken our life for granted. We do not really know who we are, rational beings or animal beings, transgenders or homosexuals … Continued

Does Allah Misguide Anyone?

BY: MANSOOR ALAM It is common practice to begin a sermon by reciting a traditional prayer and praise to Allah, and the Prophet (PBUH) and his family. In this prayer, the following words are constantly heard: Man-yahdihillahu fala mudilla lahu wa … Continued