Monday, April 29, 2024
Wardheer News

Does Allah Misguide Anyone?

BY: MANSOOR ALAM It is common practice to begin a sermon by reciting a traditional prayer and praise to Allah, and the Prophet (PBUH) and his family. In this prayer, the following words are constantly heard: Man-yahdihillahu fala mudilla lahu wa … Continued

44 Self Improvement Lessons from Qur’anic Guidance

BY: MANSOOR ALAM Self Improvement Lessons from Qur’anic Guidance: 1) Respect and honor all human beings irrespective of their religion, color, race, sex, language, status, property, birth, profession/job and so on. [Quran 17:70] 2) Talk straight, to the point, without any … Continued

Muharram: The Start of the Islamic Calendar

BY: MUHAMMAD TAQI USMANI Muharram is the month with which the Muslims begin their lunar Hijrah Calendar. It is one of the four sanctified months about which the Holy Quran says, “The number of the months according to Allah is twelve … Continued

Why Believers’ Sins Are All Forgivable

BY: SPAHIC OMER    It is a matter of fact that, apart from Prophets, all people are fallible and sinners, one way or another. The good news, however, is that man is created as a pure and innocent being, that he is … Continued

Ciid Mubaarak: Ciidul Adxa

Ciid Al Adxa Al Mubaarak. Bahda Tifatirka iyo qorayaasha WardheerNews, waxay halkan ugu soo gudbinayaan hambalyada munasibadda maalinta barakaysan ee Ciidul Adxa dhammaan ummadda mulimiintu meelkasta oo ay joogaan, gaaar ahaan shacabka Soomaaliyeed. Waxay Eebbe uga baryayaan in uu sannadkan … Continued

A Journey of Self Renewal

 BY: SYED ABUL ALA MAUDUDI What are the blessings of Hajj? One may describe them in great detail. But, in the Qur’an, where Allah instructs Ibrahim to invite people to come to Hajj, it is said: So that they may witness … Continued

Hajira (Hagar): Symbol of Leadership and Community Building

BY: ASLAM ABDULLAH Hajira, the wife of Prophet Ibrahim, the mother of Prophet Ismael and the matriarch that created an entire civilization, remains a forgotten figure in the annals of religious history. There is not much archeological data available on her … Continued

Khatarta ku Geedaaman Nidaamka Madaxtooyada ee la Soo Jeediyay

W/Q: Dr. CabdiNuur Sheekh MaxamedTarjume: Ibraahim Maxamed Abdulqadir (Shiino) Qoraalkani waa isku day lagu iftiiminayo cakirnaanta soo jeedintii dib u eegista dastuurka  ee ay dhawaan 27/05/2023 soo saareen Golaha Wadatashiga Qaran (GWQ) oo ka koobnaa Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud, RW … Continued

The Universal Dimension of Hajj

BY: MANSOOR ALAM Originally humankind was one single community, free of discord. Then human beings created mutual differences and since these differences could not be resolved by means of human intellect alone, Allah sent a series of Messengers and Books for … Continued

Ciid Mubaarak: Bahda WardheerNews

Bahda Tifaftirka WardheerNews waxay ugu hambalyanayaan munaasibadda Ciidul Firti dhammaan muslimiinta gaar ahaan shacabka Soomaaliyeed. Waxay Ilaahay uga baryayaan in uu ka aqbalo soonkii iyo cibaadadii kale ee ay gudanayeen bisha barakaysan ee Ramadaan. Waxaan Eebbe ka baryaynaa in uu … Continued