Category: Camels and Poets

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WDN PERSON OF THE YEAR 2014 : Somali Week Festival (SWF) and Hargeisa International Book Fair (HIBF)

By WardheerNews The grim and sad situation in the dysfunctional state of Somalia, whether the self-declared Republic of Somaliland, or the South with its tiring political quackmire, Al-Shabab and famine ridden stories, constitute the background for all the political and cultural activities by Somalis taking place anywhere in the world today. In that context, the most...


Dibumilicsiga Kaydka WardheerNews: Wareysi Dr. Georgi Kapchits

Odhaahda Tifatirka: Iyadoo bishan aynu ku jirno ee Nofember 24da, ay ku beegantahay sannadguuradii 10aad ee ka soo wareegtay xilligii dhidibbada loo taagay degelka WardheerNews, ayaanu jecelnahay munaasabaddaas awgeed in aan dibumilicsi ku samayno qoraallada tirada badan ee ku jira kaydka WDN, si intii hore u akhriday dib ugu xasuustaan, ciddii seegtayna ay hadda uga...

Inaabsi: Shirib

Inaabsi: Shirib

W/T Faarax Cali Gamuute Halkii Cali Sugulle weeye oo: “waxa uurka jiifuu afku kaa xadaa”. Dibnuhu amar kaama qaataan”.Adoo yidhi baad is argtaa. Alle u naxariisagii Cabdi Iidaanna, waxaa laga reebay:“Shalmadi koore raacdaye wax baan; sheedda ka arkaaye”. Anse yay ila ordine waxaan; arar ku seeteeyay, Inaabsi baa odhanaaya: Amaano eegga way irdhawdayoo Amaah ku...


The Ancient Kingdom of Punt and its Factor in Egyptian History: Further Linguistic Evidences

By Said M-Shidad Hussein Why did some Egyptologists go to the extent that they think the Egyptian was originated from the Somali while others view that as a strange idea? Naturally an answer for that kind of question should principally lay with investigating the background of the Somali language by a relevant linguistic comparison. In...


Would You?

By Hudhaifah Siyad We always get moved by street kids’ life hustles, struggles and how they got neglected by their families, yet at most times people take no effort to help them. Actually most people want the street kids off the streets. This poem is written from the perspective of a street kid. If I...


Tol Waa Nin Qumman Qabanqaabadiis iyo Nin Qalloocan Qabanqaabadiis

W/Q Georgi Kapchits Si xiise leh, ayaan u akhristay maqaal uu qoray Ibraahim M. Deeq uuna magac uga dhigay “Kala Miirka Maahmaah iyo Odhaah, Gabay iyo Hees”, waxayna ila noqotay in maqaalku uu mudan yahay in laga faalloodo, siiba qaybtiisa ku saabsan maahmaahyada iyo odhaahyada. Qoraagu aad buu uga welwelsan yahay in si qumman loo...