Wednesday, July 03, 2024
Wardheer News

An interview with Ali M. Ahad

Editor’s note: Ali Mumin Ahad is a Somali scholar with multifaceted interests and a personal life story that brought him from Somalia to Italy, and now to Australia. Ali obtained his undergraduate degree in Economics at the Somali National University, … Continued

Gabay versus Guurow

By Mohamed Abdikadir (Stanza) Gabay The gabay which is the most significant kind of Somali classical literature consists of two parts separated by coma, when written, and they are known as: hoojis (rising) and hooris (falling).  If there are 20 syllabic vowels in the line, the … Continued

The Somali Language

By Mohamed Abdikadir (Stanza) The official language of Somalia and Somali people is the Somali language and it belongs to the Cushitic Afro-Asiatic languages. It is written from left to right in Latin characters. It is a language that is … Continued

The case of Somali language

By Professor Abdalla Omar Mansur When the Somali language was transcribed and became the national language in 1972, it was used extensively as the medium of instruction and administration. The way in which all this was realized became a model … Continued

Wareysi: Dr. Georgi Kapchits

Odhaahda Tifaftirka: Waxaanu akhristayaasha WardheerNews la wadaagaynaa waraysi xiise badan oo aanu la yeelanay Dr. Georgi Kapchits oo ah khabiir aad isugu taxalujiya ururinta iyo baadhista afka, dhaqanka iyo suugaanta Soomaaliyeed. Dr. Kapchits waxa uu ka waramayaa suugaanta iyo maahamaahyada … Continued

Sarbeeb: The Art of Oblique Communication in Somali Culture

Prof. Said S. Samatar Editor’s note: Today, November 24, 2016 marks the 12th anniversary of WardheerNews. To commemorate this occasion and one of the greatest scholars Somali speaking people have produced, the late Professor Said Samatar, contribution to WardheerNews, we … Continued

Dhaqan iyo Dhalasho Lumay (Maanso)

W.T. Maxamed Hiirad Maansadan waxaan kaga sheekaynayaa dadka Soomaaliyeed meesha xaaladdoodu maanta marayso. Dawlad iyo qaranimo ma jirto. Dhaqan iyo xishood ma jiro. Xigto iyo ixtiraamkeed ma jiro. Sidaasaa lagu wada heshiiyey. Gabagabdii waa quus. Waxaanse ku faraxsanahay in aanan wax … Continued

Hadraawi, the great African poet we should know

By KHAINGA O’OKWEMBA “Whenever the legendary Maxamed Ibraahin Warsame ‘Hadraawi’ described as the greatest living Somali poet, walked from the conference hall, he was mobbed by the crowd.” That’s how I annotated my essay when I first met Hadraawi in … Continued


Tarjumo & Tifaftir Boodhari Warsame Hordhac Akristeyaasha sharfanoow, waxa hortiinna yaal ee aan idin la wadaagayaa waa iskudayga tarjumid buug caan ah oo qoraa caan ahi ka qoray socdaal sahan ahaa oo uu sannadkii 1854tii ku maray inta u dhexaysa … Continued