Dawit Endshaw ADDIS ABABA (Reuters) – A failed regional coup in Ethiopia has exposed rare divisions in the alliance that has dominated the country for three decades, with two of the four ethnic parties that form the ruling coalition trading insults in a public feud. While there have been disagreements among the parties in the...
Category: Aniversary
In Somali drought, women fighting sexual predators as well as hunger
By Alecia Richards A woman walks through a parched area in northeastern Somalia earlier this year. Rape is on the rise there. With more than a third of Somalia’s population now facing starvation, new statistics show that in addition to hunger, many women in Somalia are at risk for being raped. The reported cases of...
Over 100 Somali lawmakers plan to block cabinet approval
More than 100 Somali lawmakers on Tuesday vowed to block the nomination of a new cabinet in Parliament. The members of parliament said in Mogadishu they will not pass a motion to approve the newly unveiled council of ministers, noting that the prime minister included ministers in the former cabinet is against their will. Abdi...
Warka Raadiyo Wardheer
Warka Raadiyo Wardheer ee aan idiin heyno waxaa ka mid ah: Tuulo lagu gubay Gobolka Mudug iyo dhac loo geystay dadkii daganaa iyo warar kale.
Sanad guuradii 10-aad ee Degelka Wardheernews iyo Xiriirkayga
W/Q Cabdullaahi Janno Sanaddu waxay aheyd 2008. Sheeko gaaban ayaan gacanta ku hayay. Anigoo baadigoob ugu jira degel Soomaaliyeed oo iga aqbala daabicisteeda ayuu nin walaalkay ahaa ii carrabaabay Wardheernews. Magaca sheekadii ugu horreysay ee aan ku soo daabacay wuxuu ahaa “Saar.” Wixii intaa ka danbeeyay xiriirkayga qoraa ahaan ee aan la lahaa Wardheernews wuxuu...
WardheerNews: Oog aan Damayn
W/Q: Idiris M. Cali WardheerNews toban sano ayay baarka ka goysay. Sida ay u da’ yar tahay iyo mugga xogaha aqooneed ee ay dhitaysay isma laha. Taasna waxaa sabab u ah, oo ku mahadsan, tifaftirayaasheeda u geyllan muujinta kartida, anshaxa iyo xorriyadda ay warsididdu door ku tahay—tifaftirayaashaas oo hadh iyo habeen u geyfan sidii ay...
How did we get here
By WardheerNews On the 23th of November, 2014, WardheerNews celebrated the 10th anniversary of its official founding which corresponds to the 23th of November, 2004. WardheerNews, the most scholarly and journalistic online magazine in the Horn of Africa, wishes to thank the many contributors including essayists, researchers, academics, poets, poetasters, poetitos, and poetaccios, regular visitors...
WardheerNews Degellada ku ma Jiro
W/Q Rashiid Sheekh Cabdillaahi (Gadhweyne) Waxaa la yiri WardheerNews baa hadda ba toban jirsaday. Waxa aan leeyahay asaga oo toban jir ah, konton iyo ka badan buu degellada kale ka weyn yahay. Warbaahinta ku hadasha afka soomaaligu aad bay u badan tahay, tu warqad ku qoran, tu afka uun ka hadasha iyo tu muuq iyo...
Chewing the khat: Sheffield’s Somali community comes to terms with the ban of its favourite drug
Jonathan Brown gets high while he can with members of Sheffield’s Somali community By Jonathan Brown With trembling fingers Abdul Fatah unties the banana skin holding the red-green stalks of khat and steadily pulls away the soft new shoots, discarding the leaves before folding them into a wad and starting to chew. It is a...
Dhegeyso Warka Raadiyo Wardheer
Wararka aan maanta idiin haynno waxaa ka mid ah: Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya oo sheegay in ay ka war hayeen weerarkii Mareykanka uu ka fuliyay Sh/hoose , R/wasaare Saacid oo shacabka ka dalbaday in Dowladda garab la siiyo, Madaxweyne ku Xigeenka Maamulka Puntland Gen Cabdisamad Cali Shire oo isna sheegay in doorashada ay si wanaagsan u dhici doonto...