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Ethiopia launches air strikes against al-Shabab in Somalia

Ethiopia launches air strikes against al-Shabab in Somalia

ADDIS ABABA, (Xinhua) — Ethiopia’s air force has carried out air strikes against al-Shabab militants in Somalia’s Middle Shabelle Region, Ethiopia’s state-affiliated Fana Broadcasting Corporate reported on Friday. The air strikes came after the signing of a security pact between Somalia and Ethiopia last month. “No air strikes can take place in Somalia without the...

Contradictions in Mogadishu: Security Warnings Versus Government Denials

Contradictions in Mogadishu: Security Warnings Versus Government Denials

By Mohamed A Yasin Somalia’s government appears to be caught in an alternate reality, where the security situation is “better than ever,” despite international airlines canceling flights, Western embassies sounding alarm bells, and Al-Shabaab gleefully proving them all right. While EgyptAir, Qatar Airways, and Turkish Airlines scramble to avoid an impending disaster, President Hassan Sheikh...

UN says 186 missing and at least 2 dead after migrant boats capsize off Yemen and Djibouti

UN says 186 missing and at least 2 dead after migrant boats capsize off Yemen and Djibouti

CAIRO (AP) — At least two people have died and 186 others are missing after four boats carrying migrants from Africa capsized overnight in waters off Yemen and Djibouti, the U.N.’s migration agency said on Friday. Two vessels capsized off Yemen late Thursday, said Tamim Eleian, a spokesperson for the International Organization for Migration, or IOM. Two crewmembers were rescued,...

Dhextaal baa dhidib u ah dhibka – The Root of the Problem Lies Within

Dhextaal baa dhidib u ah dhibka – The Root of the Problem Lies Within

By Wilo Abdulle Osman What Stands Between Somalis are the root causes of the national problem – The Root factors of Somalia’s Challenges and the Path to Unity. Somalia, a country with immense potential and a proud cultural heritage, has long been mired in a cycle of challenges that obstruct its path toward peace, stability,...

Bari: Kalluumeysato la siiyay qalab oo ka soo kabtay dhaqaale xumo haysay

Bari: Kalluumeysato la siiyay qalab oo ka soo kabtay dhaqaale xumo haysay

(ERGO) – Buuxo Maxamed Muuse waa 50 jir leh mehrad lagu gado kalluunka iyo doon kalluumeysi oo loogu shaqeeyo. Waxay heshaa dhaqaale ay ku maareyso nolol maalmeedka reerka iyo mid ay keydsato. Noloshan waxaa u horseeday agab kalluumeysi oo lagu taageeray bishii December ee sanadkii hore. Mehradda oo ay ku gaddo kalluun bisil iyo mid ceyriin...

Hardship deepens for displaced families in Washaqo, Bakool region, as cash aid stops

Hardship deepens for displaced families in Washaqo, Bakool region, as cash aid stops

(ERGO) – Thousands of displaced families in Washaqo in southern Somalia’s Bakool region are struggling to afford food, education, and care for their children because the cash aid they relied on has stopped. Abdiwahab Hassan Mohamed is finding it increasingly difficult to support his four wives and 16 children. He now relies on begging in the...

High-altitude Kenyan town Iten adapts as Olympic champions and amateurs flock to rarefied air

High-altitude Kenyan town Iten adapts as Olympic champions and amateurs flock to rarefied air

ITEN, Kenya (AP) — As dawn breaks over the sleepy town of Iten, its dusty tracks come alive with packs of runners keeping rhythm, often followed by cheerful children headed to school. Some of the athletes are elite Kenyans. Others travel from farther afield. All are here because this unassuming little town lies at about...

Scientists raise concerns as the US stops sharing air quality data from embassies worldwide

Scientists raise concerns as the US stops sharing air quality data from embassies worldwide

NEW DELHI (AP) — The U.S. government will stop sharing air quality data gathered from its embassies and consulates, worrying local scientists and experts who say the effort was vital to monitor global air quality and improve public health. In response to an inquiry from The Associated Press, the State Department said Wednesday that its...

Ethiopia’s Cash Cow: The Kenni Cabal Draining theSomali Region

Ethiopia’s Cash Cow: The Kenni Cabal Draining theSomali Region

By Muhumed Haji Kaahin, a senior Prosperity Party memberof the Somalia Region   The Somali region, one of Ethiopia’s most resource-rich yet historically marginalized territories, has long been subjected to political manipulation and economic exploitation. Successive governments, from the days of the TPLF-controlled EPRDF to the current Prosperity Party, have treated the region as a...