JEDDAH: The first day of the Islamic month of Dul-Hijjah this year is August 23, Saudi Arabia’s Supreme Court declared on Tuesday.
The court issued the announcement after validating the testimony of a number of witnesses who said they have sighted the crescent of the month of Dul-Hijjah.
In accordance with the top court’s declaration, Hajj will begin on August 30, during which millions of pilgrims will gather in Mina, spend a day and night there in worship and meditation.
Arafat Day will be on August 31, when pilgrims will stand in prayer on the mount of Arafat near Makkah at the climax of the annual pilgrimage.
Eid Al-Ahda, or the Feast of Sacrifice, follows September 1, a Friday.
As of Tuesday, August 22, a total of 1,253,759 pilgrims have arrived in the Kingdom through airports, seaports and land crossings. The figure represents an increase of 269,141 pilgrims (27 percent) compared to last year’s figure, according to the Passports Directorate.
Source: ArabNews
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