By Karamarda Group
A spectacle that has been part of the political culture of the Somali Region of Ethiopia since the early1990s is once again entertaining the citizens of that region. For the past two months, the chatter in every teashop or mafresh has been whether Abdi Mohamed Omer (“Abdi IIey”), the current Somali Regional president, will remain in office or depart, who might replace him. Despite no influence in the process or the outcome of this political wrangle, ordinary folks continue to engage in lively debates; hoping for miracles that will herald a positive change that will end the anguish of this long-suffering land.
For the past four years, the power of Abdi Omer’s presidency has been felt beyond the Somali region’s borders. He has intimidated dissidents in and across the continent, killed and jailed countless innocent men and women, and has reportedly embezzled millions of dollars from the regional treasury.
Omer was tabbed for the regional presidency after his predecessor, Daud Mohamed Ali, was ousted in 2010 for failing to ingratiate as expected with the Eastern Military commander, Major General Abraha Wolde Gabriel. Since then Abdi Omer, with the blessing of the General, has ruled the Somali region with an iron fist. But now, Omer’s political power is challenged by his handpicked executive committee; minions who until this political fallout addressed him dutifully as Aabo ‘father.’ In this piece, we will look at how the revered ‘ father’ begun to tighten his grip on power and came to be the most hated and feared man in the region, as well as the legacy he leaves behind if indeed his time came to end.
Somali Regional structure and politics:
In order to understand the political dispute, one has to look at the governance structure in Somali Region. The region is controlled by a single political party: the Somali People’s Democratic Party (SPDP). The party has a central committee and the executive branch, which together make up the leading political body that oversees the region. The Party selects all of its parliamentary members to the regional as well as the federal parliament. Then you have the administrative body of the Somali Region put together from high ranking party members to manage day to day tasks at the ministerial level, whether an individual holds an office or not, being a member at the executive branch of the party provides an important role at the political play when such dispute arises.
Read more: The Political Drama in the Somali Region of Ethiopia
Ali Abdi
Karamarda Group
Executive Committee
The Karamarda Group is a group of Somali Regional State citizens who are interested in promoting Democracy and Good Governance in the Somali Region of Ethiopia.
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