Kismayo , Kenyans and Kinship

Kismayo , Kenyans and Kinship

By: Ahmed A. Hirsi


Kismaayo11The political impasse in Kismayo between the Somali Government and the so called Juballand State is getting more complicated by the day for the Somali government. Rhetorical change is unfolding too with each hour that passes. Each camp is claiming to be on the right path while condemning the other part for overstepping its role and contravening the Somali constitution and the Laws of the Land.

In this short article I will attempt to shed some light on the stalemate surrounding the configuration of ‘Jubaland State’. It will also touch on various issues such the role of the Kenyan troops in Kismayo among other important issues.

This article hinges heavily on two opposing narratives. The first narrative being the view point of Jubaland State supporters regarding the political minefield in Kismayo, while the second narrative is that of the opponents of Jubaland State.

Moreover, the below mentioned two narratives are on a regular basis used by both parties to drip-feed readers/listeners and supporters alike and to discredit each other.

Madobe’s Version

madobeSheekh Ahmed Islam Madoobe the current head of ‘one’ of the Kismayo local leaders and his supporters view the Kismayo quandary as a bi-product of obsessive interference from Mogadisho. This alleged interference is what they term as ‘Mogadisho Project’ , in other words, they will argue the Somali government is illicitly trafficking arms, cash and fighters into Kismayo by air land and sea, with the principal aim of crippling the Jubaland Administration. They will also tell you that the Somali government is manufacturing and naming counterfeit Juballand presidents on industrial scale.

Read more here Kismayo , Kenyans and Kinship


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