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Dr. Baadiyow: Ninba Dahab Lumay Si u Doon-doon!

W.Q. Ibraahim G. Sharmaarke Inta aanan qalinka kor u qaadin, dhawr goor baan Eebbe hortii ka maagay in aan maqaalkan qoro. Dhawr arrimood, ayaa ugu waaweynaa sababihii aan uga caga-jiiday in aan dareenkan gaarka ah qalinleyda Soomaaliyeed la wadaago. Tan ugu horraysa waa arrin si ugu lug leh siyaasadda Soomaalida  oo aanan jeclayn in aan...

A Lethal Cocktail for Africa: Religious Extremism, Endemic Corruption and Bad Governance. But Now, NGOs too!

A Lethal Cocktail for Africa: Religious Extremism, Endemic Corruption and Bad Governance. But Now, NGOs too!

The World Bank’s working definition of the Non-Governmental Organisations “The NGOs” is,  “ private organizations that pursue activities to relieve suffering, promote the interests of the poor, protect the environment, provide basic social services or undertake community development.” But many people now ask whether the NGOs that work in Africa are progressively engaged in activities...

The Letters: How Al-Qaeda Failed in Mali and Somalia

The Letters: How Al-Qaeda Failed in Mali and Somalia

Recently, two separate letters written in Arabic by Al Qaeda leaders in Mali and Somalia have surfaced. The writings paint a grim picture of the jihadist experience in both countries. The first was found in Mali, and the second is an open letter from a Somali jihadist leader to Al Qaeda supreme leader, Dr. Ayman...

WDN interview with Dr. Abdurahman M. Baadiyow

WDN interview with Dr. Abdurahman M. Baadiyow

Editor’s Note: Dr. Abdurahman M. “Baadiyow” is a well-known Somali activist, educator, politician, and one of the senior leaders of Al Islah Islamic organization.  Dr. Baadiyow was one of the top candidates of the 2012 Somali presidential election. WDN had an insightful and multi-faced interview with Dr. Baadiyow on the current situation in Somalia, both the challenges...

Mahadhadii Maxammad Nuur (Qaybtii 4aad)

Mahadhadii Maxammad Nuur (Qaybtii 4aad)

Qore: Maria von Tilin Tifatirkii: Bodhari Warsame Dhalasho iyo Korriimo ” Anigu waxa aan ku dhashay Guban, meesha Bixin la yiraahdo. Aabbahay fardo badan ayuu lahaa berigii hore, waxaana aan ku garaadsaday iyada oo dhowr iyo labaataneeyo fardo ahi joogto. Markii uu walaalkay gaashaanqaad noqday ayuu duulay, col walba raacay, oo faras walba oo laga...

An Open Letter to President Hassan Mohamoud

An Open Letter to President Hassan Mohamoud

Mr President First and foremost, I would like to convey to you, on behalf of our Khatumo people, the respects due to you as our President. Needless to say, no where has your election as president been received with such rousing welcome and instant stirring jubilations as among our people in Sool, Sanaag and Cayn...



W.Q. Siciid Jaamac Xuseen Codkarnimada iyo dhawdhawdu waa laba aad u kala durugsan, aan waxba isaga dan ahayn. Codkarnimadu waa sifo la isku ammaano, oo hoggaamiye kasta badanaa laga fisho. Halka ay dhawdhawdu tahay nuqsaan la isku yaso oo maangaabta lagu tilmaamo. Taas ayaana keenta dadka adduunka ugu xilka culus inay si gooni ah isugu...

Will establishing an English-only household help my child learn English faster?

Will establishing an English-only household help my child learn English faster?

“ We only use English in the home”. As a speech-language pathologist, families often admit that they speak English exclusively in the home. If these families were from English speaking backgrounds, this would be understandable. However, I am increasingly hearing this from families who come from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. The commonly held beliefs...

One Woman’s Tale and the Myths of Happiness

One Woman’s Tale and the Myths of Happiness

“Every moment wasted looking back keeps one from moving forward.” —Hillary Clinton. In a San Francisco airport lounge, I was reading Professor Sonja Lyubomirsky’s new book, The Myths of Happiness: What Should Make You Happy but Doesn’t What Shouldn’t Make You Happy but Does (January 13, 2013), when a woman who seemed to be in...