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An Awakening East African Movement in Minneapolis’ Municipal Elections

An Awakening East African Movement in Minneapolis’ Municipal Elections

Abdi Warsame, a visionary leader breaks the glass-ceiling barrier and eclipses his incumbent Lillegren in Ward 6. I have lived in Minneapolis since I was 7 years old, and for the first time in my life I have never felt more at home despite owning a housing property and the fact that my kids were...

Somalia’s Jubbaland conundrum

Somalia’s Jubbaland conundrum

A centre of trade, commerce, agricultureand rich in marine resources,Kismayo and the surrounding Jubbaland area is of great economic importance to Somalia. The region also has the potential to hold the balance of power in the country, meaning all important actors – indigenous or foreign – want to control it. Strategically located at the southern...

Mahadhadii Maxammad Nuur (Q. 5 aad)

Mahadhadii Maxammad Nuur (Q. 5 aad)

Sheeko murtiyeed Soomaaliyeed: Gar Gar Diidday “ Maalin ayaa nin geel la jooga hal baadi ahi soo raacday. Ninkii ayaa geelii soo hoyiyay.Markaas ayaa habeenkii geelii libaax u soo dhacay oo hashii dilay. Hashii ayaa bakhtiday.Kolkaa ayaa aroortii ninkii hasha lahaa u yimid oo yiri, “hal baadi ah ma aragtay?” Kii kale ayaa yiri, “haa,...

Kala Garo Laba Wax

Kala Garo Laba Wax

W.Q. Axmed Ismaaciil Maxamuud (Axmed Deeq) Abuur ahaan aadanuhu sida uu baahi ugu qabo inuu helo cabid, cunto iyo caafimaad ayuu ugu qabaa inuu helo ixtiraam, qaddarin, magac iyo waynayn. Sidaa darteed qofku marka uu dhasho illaa inta uu dhimanayo wuxuu dareemaa dhinnaansho gudeed, heerarba ha kala lahaatee. Dhinnaanshahaasi wuxuu abuuraa kalsooni darro nafsadeed, oo...

Somalia:  The ‘Unspeakable Turks’ Facilitated Clan-Based Political Pact

Somalia: The ‘Unspeakable Turks’ Facilitated Clan-Based Political Pact

The question in the minds of many Somalis today is: has Turkey’s Somalia policy—which is on steroids— veered into a troubling new, uncharted territory? Consider the subversive “Somali Mediation” meeting that was concluded in Ankara on April 13, 2013 under the auspices of the Turkish State. It was attended by the heads of two unrepresentative...

Somali Unionists confront Silanyo in the Atlantic Council

Somali Unionists confront Silanyo in the Atlantic Council

You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time  Abraham Lincoln Ronald Reagan was a great communicator and I would like to borrow his famous words in a debate with Jimmy Carter ““There you go again”.  ...

Is President Hassan being hosted in or hoaxed to TANA?

Is President Hassan being hosted in or hoaxed to TANA?

I just came across the speech of President Hassan Sheikh Mohamoud, dated April 21, 2013, which he delivered at the second TANA HIGH LEVEL FORUM BOARD.  Despite that the press release could have used some competent editing (Like catching the President’s name in lower case) the message conveyed is crystal clear. To those unsuspecting presidential...

Hal Maqaarka Diidani Daldalool Kama Weydo : Jawaab

Hal Maqaarka Diidani Daldalool Kama Weydo : Jawaab

Inkastoo aanan aheyn aftahan, heli og odhaahaha, ama abwaan koofyadda udhiganaya inuu ereybixin kula baratamo qoraayada  ku caanka ah iney ku tiiqtiiqsadaan dhambaallo tayo leh, hadana farbaa ii taagan oo tibix Ibraahim tuhatuheeyey baa tuhun iga galisay yoolka uu la tiigasanayo qoraakiisii uu dhawaan ku soo tuuray dagalka WardheerNews. Qoraagu wuxuu labo-laboodin iyo shaki galiyey...

Somalia: Shame On You People

Somalia: Shame On You People

Like everybody else writing an article about Somali affairs, let me start by saying that Somalia has been a failed state for over twenty years. Whether we like it or not, that’s how it will always be remembered. It’s really shameful. Ladies and gentlemen, our failure is wide obvious for the whole world to see....