Wednesday, July 03, 2024
Wardheer News

Khatarta ku Geedaaman Nidaamka Madaxtooyada ee la Soo Jeediyay

W/Q: Dr. CabdiNuur Sheekh MaxamedTarjume: Ibraahim Maxamed Abdulqadir (Shiino) Qoraalkani waa isku day lagu iftiiminayo cakirnaanta soo jeedintii dib u eegista dastuurka  ee ay dhawaan 27/05/2023 soo saareen Golaha Wadatashiga Qaran (GWQ) oo ka koobnaa Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud, RW … Continued

The Universal Dimension of Hajj

BY: MANSOOR ALAM Originally humankind was one single community, free of discord. Then human beings created mutual differences and since these differences could not be resolved by means of human intellect alone, Allah sent a series of Messengers and Books for … Continued

Ciid Mubaarak: Bahda WardheerNews

Bahda Tifaftirka WardheerNews waxay ugu hambalyanayaan munaasibadda Ciidul Firti dhammaan muslimiinta gaar ahaan shacabka Soomaaliyeed. Waxay Ilaahay uga baryayaan in uu ka aqbalo soonkii iyo cibaadadii kale ee ay gudanayeen bisha barakaysan ee Ramadaan. Waxaan Eebbe ka baryaynaa in uu … Continued

How to Get Closer to God

BY: MANSOOR ALAM What does “getting closer to God” mean? Obviously, it does not mean getting closer to God physically, as that would be contrary to the Quranic concept of God – God is not situated in a particular place in … Continued

Tacsi: Marxuum Cabdiraxmaan Cabdillaahi Faarax (Guri Barwaaqo)

Bahda tifatirka shabakadda WardheerNews waxay iyagoo ka tiiraanyaysan halkan tacsi uga dirayaan Qoyskii, ehelkii, asxaabtii iyo guud ahaanba shacabka Soomaaliyeed geerida naxdinta leh ee ku timid Qoraa Sare Cabdiraxmaan Cabdillaahi Faarax(Barwaaqo) oo shalay ku geeriyooday magaalada Hargeysa ee caasimadda Somaliland. … Continued

Repentance: A Bountiful Blessing

 BY: SUHAIB WEBB As the warm breeze of Ramadan settles, we are reminded of the Prophet’s  statement, ‘Upon the arrival of Ramadan the gates of Paradise are opened, the gates of Hell are closed and the devils are chained.’ Ramadan brings with … Continued

Ramadan, Quran and The Believer

BY: SADULLAH KHAN amadan is the month of heightened Allah-consciousness, of attaining taqwa / God-consciousness; of training ourselves to be the best we can be; a month to initiate improvement of reputation, character and for cultivating good habits. Ramadan is also the month … Continued

Ramadan: 12 Reasons To Fast!

BY: TAHA GHAYYUR, TAHA GHAZNAVI “Fasting in Ramadan develops in a person the real spirit of social belonging, of unity and brotherhood, and of equality before God. This spirit is the natural product of the fact that when people fast they feel … Continued

Ramadan Preparation: Spring Cleaning for the Soul

BY: LOBNA YOUSSEF MULLA Cleaning out the closet feels great. You go through all of your stuff, throw away whatever you don’t want, and give away things you don’t need. In the end, you know you are left with more space, … Continued

Baaq Laascaanood

Ku: Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Og: Baarlamaanka Federaalka Soomaaliya (Labada Aqal) Og: Xubnaha Golaha Ammaanka Og: Xoghayaha Guud ee Qaramada Midoobay Og: Guddoomiyaha Midowga Afrika Og: Xoghayaha Guud ee Jaamacadda Carabta Og: Dawladaha xubnaha ka ah IGAD CC: Dhammaan ergada … Continued