62 migrants rescued by AFM

62 migrants rescued by AFM

Matthew Vella

Asylum seekers rescue AFM July 2013 1Pregnant woman gave birth aboard boat, AFM monitoring another boat crossing Mediterranean

Migrants were brought in to Malta earlier today at 5am. The migrants are believed to be of Somali nationality.

They comprise 13 women, two of them minors, and 49 men, 24 of whom are minors.

The boat was intercepted at 8:15 at 75 nautical miles to the south of Malta by the armed forces.

One of the women gave birth on board, and another woman was said to be heavily pregnant.

Another boat carrying an unspecified number of migrants was being monitored by the AFM, although it is unclear whether the boat will be brought in to Malta.

A pregnant woman was airlifted to Malta from this boat.

Source: Maltatoday

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