Swift response by security forces to terrorist attack on parliament

Press Release

Mogadishu  — The Prime Minister of the Federal Government of Somalia His Excellency Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed expresses his disgust of this cowardly attack on the Somali Parliament by terrorists today, but applauds the swift response of Somali National Army and AMISOM security forces.

The security forces are working hard to contain the situation. All Members of Parliament have all been accounted for and the facts surrounding the incident are currently under investigation.

H.E the Prime Minister is currently holding a high level security meeting with all the heads of the security agencies.

H.E. the Prime Minister said:

“The terrorists have once again shown that they are against all Somalis, by killing our innocent brothers and sisters. These cowardly, despicable actions are not a demonstration of the true Islamic faith.

“We are establishing the facts surrounding the attack and it is too early to provide any specific details. However, I share my condolences, those of the President and of all Members of Parliament with the families of those who were killed. We grieve the loss of our families and friends today and pray for the quick recovery of everyone injured.

“This attack will not deter the Federal Government of Somalia from continuing to hunt down and destroy the terrorists and build a peaceful Somalia that terrorists will never rule over.”

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