Somalia’s Institutional Crisis – Loyan’s article did not cover all!

Somalia’s Institutional Crisis – Loyan’s  article did not cover all!

By Rasheed Hashi

In Loyan Farah’s seminal article on how the current federal government is destroying Somalia’s national institutions, there are key areas not covered in this otherwise excellent piece in terms of exposing the rotten state of governance in Mogadishu, of which the latest debacle was the deeply problematic Governorship appointment at the Central Bank of Somalia.

Farmaajo (left), Fahad (center) and Kheyre

Traditionally one of the most thriving sectors in Somalia over the last three decades, free media has been systematically disabled and destroyed by the Nabad and Nolol (NN) team. Somalia boasts a proud history of an independent media free to transmit news and analysis without fear.

True, governments did crack down on them from time to time; the regional administrations were the main culprits in this regard. However, this NN outfit has come with a new strategy – buying out media and all stooges. There was a long list that circulated online recently of people who are on the payroll of NN. Although some people protested that they receive money from this corrupt system, it is known that most of them are not innocent. Also, it is no secret that the media including some websites and TV stations are directly under the patronage of NN.

Not only is mainstream media being targeted, but individuals who can influence the public are targeted by NN bank-rolling. It is no secret that all “afmiinshaars” (political opportunists) in Somalia and the diaspora are pro NN. This is not by accident. Reportedly, many are given large cash handouts and others are provided free food and shelter in some of Mogadishu’s major hotels. A large number of these individuals stay in four-star hotels while the soldiers guarding key government buildings are without their measly salaries for months. These cash-chasing NN loyalist parasites are normally seen on TV stations (particularly the Somali National TV or SNTV) and some at mosques praising the President-by-Accident (PBA) Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo and the despotic Prime Minister (PM) Hassan Ali Kheyre.

Where is all this money that is used to pay off and control the media coming from? It is no secret that large cash reserves are stashed in the offices of the PBA and the PM. This destabilizing cash which mainly comes from Qatar is the single greatest danger that Somalia faces, after the war against Al-Shabab. This money comes in boxes facilitated by the National Intelligence Service Agency, commonly known as NISA. This entity is itself an obsolete failure because its top leadership has never worked in the intelligence field. The current Deputy Director of NISA was appointed to the position only because of his role as the President’s spin-doctor and liaison-in-chief with the Qatari state. Again, the President-By-Accident (PBA) has failed to differentiate between friendship and the best person to run a country’s security agency. Commanding NISA is an extremely challenging, tough gig that calls for the best and brightest in the security industry – particularly in the case of a weak government that is under direct and nonstop threat by violent but highly-sophisticated militias.

The other important pillar institutions of the Somali state that have been systematically destroyed are the regional governments. The constitution of the country is based on federalism as shown in its official name, the Federal Republic of Somalia. Unfortunately, the BPA and PM have done their best to take Somalia back to a centralized nation with all power concentrated in Mogadishu. It is a well-known fact that they have succeeded in changing some regional governments, tried but failed in others, and are not on speaking terms with the rest. It is apparent that these guys and their cohort do not understand the meaning of a federal system. They also appear to forget that that this hapless country called Somalia continues to suffer because of a highly-centralized system run by a despot. In essence, what the PBA and PM are doing is re-inventing the wheel of destruction.

The most critical function in the government is the Prime Minister’s cabinet. It is known by all Somalis that it has long stopped functioning. Indeed, it is a rubber-stamping machine where no one can raise an issue that questions or contradicts the wishes of the PM. Those who tried to do so were literally kicked out of the cabinet. These include Yusuf Garad, Abdi Juha, Dr. Abdirahman Hashi (recently replaced by a former waiter and sometimes-chef), and what I call the two female warriors – Dr. Mariam Qassim and Ms. Khadra Ahmed Duale (replaced by a Guulwade).The rest of the cabinet suffers from the fox’s adage of “I learned a lesson from what  happened to the cheek of hyena”.

PM Kheyre’s cabinet meeting

Each Thursday when the ministers all convene at the Office of the Prime Minister, they hurriedly sign their attendance sheets, nod, and vote “haye” to every proposition brought by His Highness Kheyre, no matter how weird or dangerous. No one dare say a word against it. In Kheyre’s court, there is no room or tolerance for dialogue, debate or dissent.

The PM normally asks his yes-man Deputy PM Mahdi Gulaid Khadar to present a case or a loyal minister like the ever-forgetful Minister of Finance Beyle. If he senses that some ministers are uncomfortable, he quickly intervenes, and calls for a vote, which almost always results in unanimous agreement. Some ministers will not dare air their true views to the PM, but will strangely go to the President-By-Accident Farmaajo to confide with him the crazy shenanigans happening in the cabinet. A futile exercise anyways.

A friend recently drew a comparison between Siad Barre’s cabinet in the 1980s, and the one chaired by PM Kheyre today. He talked to a former retired cabinet member during Barre’s peak days. He asked the former minister: “What was it like being a member of Barre’s cabinet in terms of debating?” He said, “Barre would never stop someone from speaking. True, some never raised their voice but most of us never felt fear in addressing serious issues that were under discussion. Barre, of course, had the last word in terms of decision-making.” The conclusion was that Siad Barre’s regime had better, heartier cabinet discussions than the 2019 cabinet….Alas, who ever thought that Somalia would run out a despot only to end up with an insecure monarchy without a throne?

Rasheed Hashi

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