By Abdirizak A. Aden (Eelay)

While I was reading a fictional story about zombies, I came to realize great similarities between zombie culture and Somali militant’s attitude that has held as de facto control over most of Somalia for so long. According to Oxford dictionary, a zombie is a person who is, or appears lifeless, pathetic, or completely unresponsive to their surroundings. I have also learned that the need of a zombie only revolves around the desire to consume human flesh. Same as zombie culture, Somali militants have a culture that thrives on violence, killings and chaos. In short, the character of a zombie resembles that of a Somali militant’s ideal state since both are obsessed with killing humans. Based on these observations, I believe our country is being infested and overrun by zombies.

A Somali government soldier secures the scene of a suicide attack next to the gate of the Presidential Palace in MogadishuSince the civil war erupted, Somali’s lawlessness is always breeding new and unknown threats. Without our knowledge, zombies have managed to infiltrate, laid down their eggs and infested our country. Zombies come in all shapes and sizes. The first breed of zombie was known as warlords. Using their evil powers and country resources, warlords have succeeded in recruiting and manipulating young adults of their immediate clans and sub-clans in their bid to establish a zombie family unit. These blood suckers were responsible for the death and displacement of so many innocent civilian people. As a result, Somali people have disjointed into regional and clan-based segments.

According to the UN, the worst catastrophe in Africa has taken place in Somalia during this period. The report also states that almost one million Somalis are believed to have died while another one million were forced to flee and relocate to refugee camps around the world. Moreover, they have engaged in destroying our infrastructure and looting our resources. Same as zombie character, they’re senseless and fearless in nature and would save only those in their circle. Due to their harsh, inhumane and greedy attitude, they have also created a logistical nightmare in reaching the most affected famine areas. While international communities were trying to stop the massive deaths, famine and displacement of Somali people across the country, zombies were profiting by forcing aid agencies to hire zombies and pay hefty amounts of money for their protection. Consequently, this has created a full-blown humanitarian crisis. To sum all this up, zombies were responsible for the disintegration of the political, security and social institutions of the nation.

Radio hosts and webmasters were the first offspring of zombies. They’re known as, Pen-Warlords. To promote zombie culture, new websites coupled with subsidiary radio networks came into the air which are operated by young trained zombies, loyal only to their clan. They’re shelling artilleries through cyberspace, justifying the atrocities and killings caused by their fellow senior zombies. They served as zombie propaganda machine which broadcast hate and resentments among Somali clans. As they’re all subjects to their respective clans, members tune in to these networks everyday to get their blessings. Radio hosts and webmasters are all as guilty as their blood related zombies.

Al Shabab_SomaAs we all know, some prominent members of warlords and pen-warlords have united with Islamic Courts Union movement. To my understanding, Islamic Courts Union (ICU) was the second offspring of zombies. To increase its sphere of influence, teaching zombie culture was the first discipline hopeless youngsters were forced to learn. This discipline has actually driven their loyalty. In a matter of a few months, their loyalty has increased enormously. Using groundless religious beliefs, they called Jihad on Somali Transitional Federal Government (TFG). Their brutal actions and miscalculated judgements have caused the death of tens of thousands by the hands of these newly recruited zombies. In parallel with zombies, these criminals do not seem to appreciate the value of human life or care about the future of our sovereignty.

After ICU was defeated, a new kind of breed and last offspring of zombies immediately hatched. They’re known as Al-Shabaab. In no time, they launched a huge campaign terrorizing and radicalizing Somali youth for the sole purpose of securing the attention of all zombie population to wage jihad on Somali culture and sovereignty. Also, they have invited in and encouraged all known worldwide criminals and zombie sympathisers into Somalia. That was a very effective media campaign, indeed. All of a sudden, Somalia has become a safe haven environment for worldwide zombies to live in, operate and openly reproduce. The core objective of this breed of zombies is to exterminate ruthlessly all Somali intellectuals and destroy our civilization. I really believe this has already led to a cultural cleansing where our history and identity are being destroyed. For now, their stronghold is mainly concentrated in South Central Somalia but at any given time, the rest of the country still remains vulnerable. In fact, we’re all trapped and surrounded by fearless zombies that are willing to blow themselves up. They’re bunch of zombies, indeed.

In conclusion, despite all their inhumanly intent of wiping out Somali nation from the planet and turning the land into zombie territory, fortunately, zombies are in retreat now and have been confined to small rural areas. God bless all human communities worldwide for their humanly support of destroying zombie stronghold and diminishing their capability. However, the threat is not over yet. I am afraid there could be another zombie offspring lurking behind the scene. They’re known as Damul-Jadiid. Based on their leaders’ convictions and ill-advised decisions, I am confident that they’re engaged in undercover activities supporting zombie family agenda. There are currently quite enough signals to believe that Damul-Jadiid is fighting silently for their cause while sacrificing Somali sovereignty. I am hoping that you all come to realize too that, zombie culture is a threat to the entire nation, to all Somalis and that will require a joint action to face this threat. Ladies and gentlemen, we’re at a critical tipping point. Together, let’s reclaim our country from zombies and their sympathizers.

Abdirizak A. Aden (Eelay)

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