Press Release
The intent of this press release is to express our objection to and condemnation of the on-going armed expansionist policies of the clan-based secessionist administration of Somaliland.
For the last 7 years, the rulers of this unrecognized secessionist enclave has been occupying territories belonging to clans opposed to their secessionist agenda by force. These territories do not subscribe to the concept of seceding from the rest of the country.
In 2007, the secessionist administration in Hargeisa occupied by force the city of Las-Anod, the capital of the unionist region of Sool, and has ever since been determined to occupy other districts in the surrounding areas. The administration has also embarked on a brutal invasion of the Ayn region and attempted to capture its capital city, Buhodle, killing and maiming in the process scores of innocent civilians defending their freedom and right to self-determination. During the current month, the Somaliland forces have moved to the historical town of Laskorey and Badhan, the capital city of Makhir State, another unionist state in the east.
During the last few days, the militias of this expansionist administration has been making overt and covert attempts to occupy fresh territories in the Sool and Sanag regions, including but not limited to Taleh town, the provisional capital of Khatumo state. All these attempts are designed to convince the international community of their complete control over the territories of the former British Protectorate of Somalia that gained its independence in 1960 and joined Italian occupied southern Somalia to form the Somali republic. They wrongly believe that the International community will recognize them as a country if they occupy all unionist territories by force.
The actions of the clan dominated secessionist administration are more consistent with the medieval methods of imposing the will of few armed gangs on the public. To a large extent, the international community will be complicit in the actions of these modern day warlords in as far they turn a blind eye to their illegal actions, and inadvertently finance their war machinery through direct bilateral aid.
Khatumo state, like other unionist states in Makhir and Awdal strongly believes in self-determination, freedom of expression and the right to remain part of the Federal Republic of Somalia, and will in no-doubt defend these God-given rights.
In this regard and in view of the recent activities of Somaliland militia, we implore the international community to;
- Take punitive measures against the Somaliland Administration for its unbridled aggression by imposing economic and financial sanctions against it until it withdraws its militia back to its well-defined territories and stop its aggression against the unionist regions that wish to remain within the fold of the Federal Republic of Somalia;
- To provide development aid and humanitarian assistance to the peace loving unionist States in the area. Such regions have been neglected in the past and classified unfairly as disputed territories;
- To allow unionist States like Khatumo state to play a prominent role in any future talks between the federal government and Somaliland since the latter does not necessarily represent the will of the all people in the region.
- To send a strong message to the Somaliland administration in Hargeisa to pull back its forces that have been mobilized in the last few days to disrupt the Khatumo Conference that is scheduled to be held in Taleh in late April 2014.
We hope that the international community and the federal government of Somalia shall assume their moral responsibility and stop the clan based aggression against our people. It is important for the stability of the region to contain the possible escalation of the situation and give peace a chance. Any aggression against Taleh, the provisional capital of Somalia can get out of hand and involve other regions in the area in the conflict.
Mohamed Yusuf Jama
President of Khatumo State of Somalia
Taleh, Federal Republic of Somalia
Note: Khatumo State is a recognized Federal State of Somalia that was established in January 2012. its leaders have recently travelled to Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia, and were welcomed warmly by the President , Prime Minister and Speaker of the Parliament of the Federal Government of Somalia. It strongly supports the unity and integrity of Somalia and desires to live in peace with its neighbouring Somali regions.
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