Going for Goats – The Barbari Goat

The Barbari goat is a truly unique-looking goat breed, hailing from the north-western arid area of India.

It originated from Somalia in East Africa, from a place called Berbera. It is thought that this is where the breed got its name. The breed can now be found all over India, Pakistan and other middle-eastern countries. It is not known how the breed first made its way from Somalia to India, though some think it may have been brought by traders from the medieval period.

Characteristics –

A small-sized breed, today it is very popular in meat production.

The breed are commonly known for their protruding eyes, due to a prominent orbital bone. The beed have short, tubular ears and bucks tend to have long, large beards. A horned breed, their horns tend to twist in an upward direction and are medium in length.

The breed comes in a wide variety of colours, but generally, they are found as white with lightly coloured brown patches (see above picture). At full maturity adult bucks tend to weigh approximately 37.85kgs, while does weigh anything up to 22kgs.

Primarily raised for meat, the Barbari goats are also excellent milkers. They have very well developed udders, with conical teats which makes them perfect for dairy purposes also. On the meat side, they are widely known for their excellent meat qualities. Males are castrated young, when raised for use in the meat industry.

An early maturing breed, they are also known for triple kidding and for being highly prolific, as well as capable of thriving in arid lands and warm temperatures.

A durable, prolific and highly disease resistant breed, is it any wonder medieval traders shipped the Barbari goat from its native Somalia, halfway around the world.

Source: thatsfarming.com

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