By Ahmed Ibrahim Ph.D
There is a growing evidence to suggest that Faisal Ali Warabe, the Chairman of the defunct Justice and Welfare Party, known as UCID is involved in incitement that could lead to the massacre of innocent Somalis in Sanaag, Sool, and Awdal regions.

Faisal, a genocidal fanatic has been inciting and calling for violence and extermination of innocent civilians simply due to their clan affiliations, that includes: Darood, Hawiye, Dir, and Rahanweyn clans in social media and over the air. He has publicly admitted to playing a major role in the 1990s civil war genocide of Darood in Mogadishu and across Somalia, suggesting that he advised, worked with and encouraged United Somalia Congress (USC) ragtag militia leaders, and other clan and sub-clan militias to commit genocide.
Faisal Ali Warabe, in early 2018, publicly threatened civil aviation over Somalia and called for the downing of civilian planes. In a video posted YouTube, many cheered as Faisal promised to purchase anti-aircraft missiles and down commercial airlines. In addition, reliable reports also indicate that Faisal allegedly hosted the family of Ahmed Godane, the late Al-Shabaab Emir after the family was deported from a Gulf State. While in Hargeisa, Godane’s wife gave birth, suggesting that Godane probably visited Hargeisa.
The International Community should be very concerned about Faisal Ali Warabe and their funds to support election and building of democratic institutions that Faisal’s UCID party receives , could be used to support terrorism and violence in Somalia.
Since returning from Finland, Faisal who is known for living large, using cash raised to support UCID party causes to pay for his lavish lifestyle and improvements to his home in Hargeisa. Faisal has become an itinerant anti-Darood and anti-Hawiye salesman, building reputation as a repugnant face of clannism, hate, intolerance and supporting genocide. He has repeatedly called on Isaaq sub-clans to wipe out Dhulbahante and Warsangeli in Sool and Sanaag. He also has advocated for inter-Isaaq clan civil war against sub-clans he accuses of being disloyal to his vision of violent and immediate extermination of Darood / Harti clans in Sanaag, Sool and Ceyn.
In his previous incarnations, Faisal was a snitch and a rat for the Somali National Security Services (NSS), spying for NSS and reporting on Isaaq sub-clans to the Siyad Barre regime for monitory financial gains. Most recently, Mr. Warabe , a failed and corrupt politician who has never won an election, raising hate and clan tension to make money, warning against the rise of a government in Somalia. People who know Faisal say that he is a sad and mad man consumed by hate seeking to stay relevant.
Despite leading UCID political party, Faisal who claims to be religious and posts photos of his visits to Makkah in Saudi Arabia receives monthly welfare benefits from Finland designed for low income families. In addition to Faisal, his family are also on welfare, while maintaining lavish lifestyle with homes in Hargeisa and Dubai. According to Embassy of Finland in Nairobi, neither Faisal nor his family should be receiving state benefits for refugees and the government is investigating allegation of fraudulent claim of state benefits by the family.
It’s of a paramount importance, given Mr. Warabe’s lies, hate, incitement, and terrorist speeches that Finland and the European Union (EU) investigate him for his past links to genocide in Somalia and repeated calls for terrorism, violence and murder of innocent civilians in Somalia. We call on Finland and EU to investigate Faisal’s links to terrorism, and prosecute and strip him of his citizenships. We also call on decent citizens and politicians to shun Faisal Warabe and Ahmed Mohamed Diriye “Nacnac”, a member of Somaliland parliament who also trades in lies, hate, genocide and divisions. These are mad men that represent what is wrong with Hargeisa-based gang. Their repeated call for violence has now led to Isaaq sub-clan conflict and war.
We are seeing Isaaq sub-clan war in Sanaag and Togdheer region, where Habar Yonis and Habar Jeclo militias are indiscriminately killing innocent civilians because of their sub-clan affiliations. Faisal and Nacnac has been fueling marginalization and division in Somaliland.
The hate Faisal and many Somaliland politicians have been espousing has infected their own clan, and communities creating wedges, were Muse Bixi’s Habar Awal sub-clan is marginalizing Habar Yonis sub-clan and calling for return to the 1990s when all out war broke out between Isaaq sub-clans leading to the death of more people in the hands of Muse Bixi than their claim against the Siyad Barre regime. The virus of lies, hate, clannism, intolerance, ignorance, marginalization and genocidal warmongering has now become routine part of the political discourse in Hargeisa, further dividing people when Somalia and the Somali people need to unite.
In conclusion, Faisal Ali Warabe, and Nacnac are charlatans, fraudsters, and incredibly sad individuals who incite and trade in clannism, hate and division. The duo never earned honest living, and use their clan platform, establishing legacy of lies, hate and division that will outlive them, and return them to inner Isaaq war and genocides.
Abdirisaq Mohamed Nur “Tarzan, the Somali Ambassador to Kenya, and the former Governor of Banadir and Mayor of Mogadishu recently called him sick man and the devil. It’s time to end this charade and send Faisal to the Hague for trial for his crimes against Somalia or to hospital for mentally insane so he can get the treatment he so desperately needs. We call on all honorable and decent people in Somaliland to not stand for clannism, hate, marginalization and division. After 28 years, Somaliland is more divided, and far from being recognized.
Ahmed Ibrahim Ph.D
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