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An Open Letter to Prof. Ahmed Ismail Samatar

An Open Letter to Prof. Ahmed Ismail Samatar

By Osman Hassan Dear Ahmed First Ramadaan Kariim. Secondly, I hope you will allow me to respond through this Open Letter to  your recent interview with Universal TV . General Comments This was a superbly articulated interview, truly a vintage Ahmed Ismail Samatar stuff that continues to be the talking point in the social media....

Kenyan kidnapper of UK tourist sentenced to death

Kenyan kidnapper of UK tourist sentenced to death

NAIROBI (AFP) –  A Kenyan man has been  sentenced to death for his role in the killing of a British tourist and the  kidnapping of his wife, court officials said Tuesday. Ali Babito Kololo was sentenced Monday over the death of David Tebbutt in  September 2011 and the kidnapping of Judith Tebbutt, who was taken...

FM: Turkey not change Somalia policy after attacks on Turkish embassy

FM: Turkey not change Somalia policy after attacks on Turkish embassy

Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said on Monday that Turkey would not change its policy towards Somalia following attacks on a Turkish Embassy annex in the Somalian capital of Mogadishu, which killed one Turkish security guard leaving several others injured on Saturday, Anadolu Agency reported. Following his visit to the wounded police guards at an Ankara hospital,...

Eritrea ‘continues support’ to Somalia’s Al-Shabab, says Ethiopia

Eritrea ‘continues support’ to Somalia’s Al-Shabab, says Ethiopia

By Tesfa-Alem Tekle ADDIS ABABA – In fresh allegations made by Ethiopia on Monday, the East African nation said that efforts to maintain peace and stability in Somalia is taking longer due to Eritrea’s continued support of the Islamist militia group, Al-Shabab. The Ethiopian government said despite ongoing efforts by regional governments and the African...

Xamar ma lahaan jirtay jid-xadiid tareenadu maraan? Waa taariikh naga dahsoontay oo daboolka laga qaaday

Xamar ma lahaan jirtay jid-xadiid tareenadu maraan? Waa taariikh naga dahsoontay oo daboolka laga qaaday

Cabdulqadir Abiikar Xuseen Magaalada Xamar ee caasimada wadanka Soomaaliya waxay leedahay taariikh dheer; laakiin waxaan la ogayn inay lahaan jirtay jid-xadiid ah oo Tareenku maro.  Halkan waxaan ku soo koobay cilmi baaris ku aadan Taariikhdaas Tareenka Soomaaliya siday ahaan jirtay, nooca matoorada Tareenka, baaxada dhulkii uu mari jiray ama istaagyada Tareenka iyo taariikh la xariirta gaadiidkaas Soomaaliay...

BUNGOMA: Families of Al-shabaab abductees seek help from govt

BUNGOMA: Families of Al-shabaab abductees seek help from govt

By SAMWEL KOECH Three families whose loved ones are being held in Somalia by Al-shabaab militants have petitioned the government to help them in initiating talks that will help secure their release. Sergeant Jonathan Kangogo, Corporal Evans Mutoro, Edward Yesse Mule, a district officer attached to Burderi, Wajir South and Fredrick Irungu Wainaina were captured in...

In Mogadishu, a new job comes with lethal risks: 5 tax collectors killed this year

In Mogadishu, a new job comes with lethal risks: 5 tax collectors killed this year

MOGADISHU, Somalia  ( AP) -The Somali traders in Mogadishu’s markets have long faced down Islamist rebels and warlords demanding money. Now they say there is a new predator: the government tax man. Militias extorted cash from civilians during much of the last two decades of chaos. Now Mogadishu has a government in place, but shopkeepers view...

Managing the simmering conflict in Somaliland

Managing the simmering conflict in Somaliland

Muse Farah The government of Somaliland showed unusual nervousness after the Consultative and Rectification Council was recently created. Part of the nervousness is because up until now it had no serious opposition from the parliament or from the political parties. It looks that the long honey moon the government had since winning elections three years...