NAIROBI, Kenya, Aug 1 – Two government officials released by Al Shabaab militants from Somalia earlier this week have now been reunited with their families. The families met the two men on Thursday at the Ministry of Interior and Coordination of Government at Harambee House for the first time, since their release earlier this week....
Somalia: Mysterious Dutch Coast Guard Being Formed
The peacekeeping force now consists of 4,040 Kenyan, 6,223 Ugandan, 5,432 Burundian, 850 Sierra Leonean and 999 Djiboutian troops. There are also several thousand Ethiopian troops who constantly move back and forth across the Somali border as needed. There are a few hundred other foreign military and paramilitary personnel in Somalia, but no one will...
Competing Currencies in Somalia
The Great Debate For years a debate has raged in monetary economics over the credibility of the theory that a more stable monetary system would emerge were the system to allow for concurrent currencies operating under no legal restrictions. One side of the debate, represented most prominently by Milton Friedman, believes that the emergence and...
Somalia: The Missing Narrative in Puntland Spring
Jamal Ali It is spring time in Puntland, Somalia! Puntlanders’ Jasmine Revolution has bloomed and prevented a political power grip! Puntland, which is one of the restive semi-autonomous states of the Federal Republic of Somalia has lately been getting its fair share of political shake-up–with little or no world coverage. Puntlanders were both excited and...
Dhagasyo Warka radio Wardheer
Muqdisho, july 31, 2013 (WDN)- Warka Radio Wardheer, Qodobbada warka aad ku maqli doontaan dhageystayaal waxaa ka mid ah, dowladda Soomaaliya oo heshiis la gashay shirkad ilaalineysa xeebaha Soomaaliya, wasiirka gaashaandhgiga C/xakiin Fiqi oo wacad ku maray in dowladdu ay qaadi doonto isbaarooyin sharci darro ah oo yaala Shabeelaha hoose, Saraakiil Kenyaan ah oo u afduubnaa...
The Somali Community of Columbus, Ohio, invites you to:Post Civil War Governance – Challenges and Opportunities
The Somali Community of Columbus, Ohio, invites you to: Post Civil War Governance – Challenges and Opportunities Guest Speaker: Faisal Roble Location: Ramada Plaza Hotel Address: 4900 Sinclair Road I-71 and Morse Road Columbus, OH, 43229 When: August 17, 2013 7:00 PM – 11:00 PM For More Information Call Burhan Ahmed (614) 804-2925 OR Said...
Man who revealed tattoo of a mosque being blown up during EDL march is arrested on suspicion of inciting racial hatred
By SAM WEBB A man who allegedly revealed his tattoo of a mosque being blown up at an English Defence League rally in Birmingham has been arrested. Sean Reah, of South Shields, South Tyneside, has been arrested on suspicion of inciting racial hatred. The 39-year-old was reportedly recently pictured lifting up his T-shirt to reveal an...
Mo Farah faces Ethiopian duo in Great North Run 2013
Mo Farah will take on two of the biggest names in distance running when he faces Haile Gebrselassie and Kenenisa Bekele in the Great North Run. The double Olympic champion will race against the Ethiopian duo in the half-marathon from Newcastle to South Shields on 15 September. “It has the makings of the greatest head...
A new deal for Somalia?
The EU and Somalia are to hold a joint conference in Brussels 13 September to establish a ‘new deal’ for the country, emerging after decades of conflict. Foreign affairs chief, Cathy Ashton said, “The situation in Somalia has been transformed over the past year. There is now a real atmosphere of activity, emerging governance and hope....
Facebook Isn’t the Key to Catching Terrorists
BY MOLLY REDDEN The Associated Press reported Tuesday that U.N. investigators have asked for the private details of Somali pirates’ Facebook profiles—and that top Facebook officials, chastened by Edward Snowden’s revelation that the company had provided the NSA with emails and pictures, said no. The news begs the question: What are foreign fighters or terrorists dumb enough to...