Sunday, April 28, 2024
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The Voice of Occupied SSC Regions


Lascanod Speaks: Out with Somaliland

The people of Lascanod have spoken up in words and deeds and their message is clear and unmistakeable: they had enough of the occupation of the one-clan secessionist enclave calling itself Somaliland and they want to kick them out of their land unless they leave peacefully on their accord and return to their own clan enclave. That is the message they sent when the residents of the capital of the SSC regions (Sool, Sanaag and Cayn) took to the streets in their thousands on Sunday 8 September, directing their anger at anything representing Somaliland: police stations were the first targets to be ransacked and their transport burned. A number of Somaliland’s militia were killed and the rest took to their heels in the face of the rampaging revengeful masses. Shouting:” down with secession, out with Somaliland, and long live Somalia and its unity”, the Somali national flag was proudly waved and hoisted and that of the renegade clan trampled upon and burned. That is the true voice of the occupied people and not the one presented by Somaliland’s hired lackeys hailing from Sool.

Las Anod Demo
Las Anod demonstrations against Somaliland admin

For once for a long time, Lascanod was back in the hands of its people for one whole day and night. Only the following day, when the occupiers brought in thousands of their militia, did they dare to come back stealthily to the city to wrest control from its people. This reality check, this sudden turn of adverse events must have come as a rude awakening to the political class in Hargeisa building their colonial castles in the SSC regions. If Buhoodle and Kalshaale are an indelible bitter disaster for the clan’s quest for colonisation and territorial expansion, Lascanod and its Sool region were deemed to hold more rewarding prospects. Only few days before the uprising, the one-clan enclave was putting out a self-congratulatory picture to the outside world that Lascanod and its Sool region have finally recanted and embraced the secession and Somaliland.

Little did the they know that their make-belief would be shattered in the most spectacular way for al the whole world to witness the true feelings of the occupied Sool people, demonstrating their opposition to be force-fed the secession and became vassals to their occupier. What these events have shown to the people of Lascanod and the rest of the occupied SSC regions is that when divided they are their worst enemies and best supporters of the occupier; and when united they can turn the tables on their tormentor, a unity long foiled by the secessionists/Somaliland making use of their imbibed colonial practice of divide and rule.

For too long the occupied SSC people had been subjected by the well-armed secessionist clan to painful colonial-like occupation and daily humiliations since 2007 when Puntland’s defending forces treacherously colluded with the secessionist invader and deserted the capital of SSC regions to the militia of the-one clan secessionist enclave. Although Lascanod’s discontent had been simmering since its occupation, what brought that discount to the boil now are Hargeisa’s recent actions that finally exhausted Lascanod’s already battered endurance.

One such provocative action was the enclave’s strategic decision to give the occupation a humane face and better window dressing by conducting sham electoral registration in the  SSC regions. The intention was that if the occupied could be registered, that action could be presented as their endorsement of the secession and all it stands for. Towards this end, no money (most of it inadvertently provided by donors), propaganda and lies were spared. All the same, there was little disposition to fall for this bait as in the past.

A second and more ominous development is the resort to extra judicial killings by the enclave to eliminate those opposed to the occupation and the electoral registration in Lascanod. A number of high profile personalities were recently killed and it is this heinous action which has sparked the current uprising. Far from winning the hearts and minds of the SSC regions, the gulf between the occupier and the occupied could not have been wider as the uprising has only too well shown.

Not surprisingly, and as usual, not a word of sympathy or support has been forthcoming for those gallantly defending the union in Lascanod from Mogadishu’s political barons. Preoccupied with their re-election and/or plundering the coffers of the state, Lascanod, for them, could be in another part of the world – out of sight and out of mind. Hassan Culusow has been pandering to the secessionists since he came to office to gain their parliamentary support in exchange for protecting and pampering the enclave. On a previous occasion when the one-clan enclave was similarly forcing its farcical election on the residents of Lascanod, and gunned down a number of demonstrating waving the Somali National flag, Mr Culusow sent Hargeisa a congratulatory message for a job well-done. At least this time he is non-committal, which some might say is an improvement on his past shameful record.

Will the secessionists heed the message from Lascanod and the writing on the wall? They had been adept in copying the worst practices of their former colonial masters, but will they also learn their wisdom not to hang on to a territory they occupy where they were no longer welcome? Unfortunately, all their actions in Lascanod point to the contrary and ultimately they will be ignominiously booted out. Rest assured that The Voice of Occupied SSC Regions would keep the occupiers sleepless if not insane!!.

Osman Hassan
Voice of Occupied SSC Regions
email: osman.hasan2

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