Press statement
On 28th October 2013 Somaliland independent media issued press statement condemning proposed Press Act. The Sub Committee of Social Affairs of the House of the Representatives prepared the document and it is expected to table to the House soon. The Press statement raises serious concern on the contents of the Bill. Human Rights Center received the draft document.
Media independence and the freedom of expression are guaranteed by the constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Article 32 of the constitution expressly prohibits any act that suppresses the media.
Human Rights Center is concerned that the Bill is not exposed to the public for consultations. A law of such importance as this shall not be presented to the House for debate without prior consultations with all the stakeholders.
The Sub Committee is required to construct trust between the media and the lawmakers. In those efforts media shall play a key role.
Any new media law or amendment of existing law shall be consulted with the media, human rights organizations and the civil society at large. A law that subjugates the media is unacceptable and violates the constitution and the international human rights law.
Human Rights Center recommends the Sub-committee of Social Affairs of the House of Representatives:
- To hold public consultations for the proposed Bill;
- To refrain presenting the draft to House without dully consulting the stakeholders.
Mulaho Mohamed Ali
Spokesperson of Human Rights Center
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