This Compact is the result of an inclusive process to determine the priorities of Somalia for the next three years (2014-2016). The process, based on the Busan New Deal principles, was initiated in December 2012, by the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) and the international community. In March 2013, the FGS and representatives of the Somali Federal Parliament, Somali civil society, the United Nations and the lead donor representative (European Union) established the High Level Task Force (HLTF) to guide and support this endeavour, on the basis of mutual accountability.
The priorities and principles presented in this Compact were developed on the basis of consultations with citizens, at the national level and with international partners. Citizens, civil society and parliament were consulted in Mogadishu, Baidoa, Galkayo and Garowe, culminating in a multistakeholder consultative meeting (September 2013) in Mogadishu, where validation of the Compact took place. The international community was part and parcel of providing support and input, through technical meetings, the HLTF and three Core group meetings (June, July and September 2013).
The challenges that Somalia faces are complex, multifaceted and differ according to various political,social and regional contexts. The strategy to address these challenges and effectively lead Somalia on a path of recovery, development and durable peace, must include: focused and committed leadership, solid government structures capable of delivering basic services, peoples’ trust, mediation and community participation, sound civic dialogue, and good and friendly international relations based on mutual respect.
The Somali Compact, a living document that reflects the ongoing process of transition and defines priority interventions to ensure the country stays on the path to long-term peace and statebuilding. The Compact lays a strong foundation for building reliable, transparent, accountable and functioning state institutions, respectful of the fundamental rights, freedoms and equality of its citizens. In this respect, the establishment of local and regional administrations and federal units, in the spirit of the provisional Constitution, are key milestones for a vibrant and stable Somalia.
The adoption of this Compact, which provides a new political, security and development architecture framing the future relations between Somalia, its people and the international community, embodies the spirit of our new partnership.The Compact presents specific priorities drawn from the Six Pillar Programme of the FGS, and further defined through consultative processes. It also reflects Puntland’s commitment to contribute to peaceful, just and productive life for the whole of Somalia and its top priorities, drawn from the Puntland’s second Five-year Development Plan.
The Compact incorporates a Special Arrangement for Somaliland, which represents Somaliland’s PSG priorities and is the result of several consultations.
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