Sheikh Awey’s capture poses a test for President Hassan Sh. Mohamoud

Sheikh Awey’s capture poses a test for President Hassan Sh. Mohamoud

By Abdelkarim Hassan

(WDN)- The capture of Sh. Hassan Aweys, the ailing senior leader of Al Shabab, poses a genuine test to President Hassan Sh. Mohamuod’s administration that enjoyed an international support since its inception.

Hasan Dahir Aweys, leader of Somali rebel group Hizbul Islam, attends a ceremony in AfgoiAweys, a former Somali army cornel, top leader of the defunct Mogadishu Union Court and founder of Hisbul Islam who joined forces with Al shabab in 2010, is known for his anti-peace building, extremism, harsh rhetoric and support of suicidal attacks on civilians and transitional government officials. The US government added him to its Specially Designated Global Terrorist (SDGT) list on November 2001

Sh. Aweys is remembered for his notorious speech on Jan 2011 during the worst drought in Somalia where he told a large crowd of suffering Somalis not to accept food aid from international organizations whom he accused of having a Christian agenda.

Sh. Aweys’s capture is a sign of defeat for the Al Shabab militia who until recently controlled a large swath of land in Southern Somalia.The reports stating that Sh. Aweys will be transferred to the Somali federal government in Mogadishu will indeed start a heated debate on the faith of Sh. Aweys.

If the US presses the current administration in Mogadishu to hand over Sh. Aweys to the US authorities, it may put President Hassan at odds with his supporters who view Sh. Aweys as their hero.

If President Hassan looks the other way and does not treat Sh. Aweys as a threat and anti peace element, it may further fuel the current mistrust and clan animosity that is heating up in Southern Somalia.
Abdelkarim Hassan


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