What it’s really like to be a Muslim woman in Britain

What it’s really like to be a Muslim woman in Britain


Islamophobic attacks have been on the rise ever since 9/11, but it is mostly   women being attacked, a recent report suggests. Ava Vidal shares   stories from British Muslim women who face everyday awful abuse.

“It is something I have got used to since 9/11. From being called Osama Bin   Laden to Paki-terrorist I have heard it all,” Zab Mustefa, a British Muslim   journalist, who specialises in women’s rights and culture, tells me.

hijab-199x300Since the terrorist attacks on New York City that brought down the twin   towers, it seems life has not been the same for Muslims that live in the   western world. Suddenly there was a spotlight shone on Islam when most   non-Muslims had barely given it a second thought before.

“Either   you’re with us. Or you’re with the terrorists,”   announced the then president of the USA George W Bush in a sombre tone at a   press conference following the attacks.

And many people decided that all Muslims were against ‘us’. Everything   was under scrutiny. Their style of dress, their beliefs, their way of life.   People that had never even read the Qu’ran believed they had more knowledge   than Islamic scholars.

“Look at the way they treat their women!” is a statement that I often hear.    “Forcing them to cover up. Not allowing them to go out alone and controlling   everything that they do.”

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Source: The Telegraph

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