QC honours top students in Somalia

Some of the students at the ceremony.

Doha: Qatar Charity’s (QC) Somalia office held a honouring ceremony for 145 outstanding students from among its sponsored orphans.

The ceremony was held in the capital Mogadishu, under the patronage of Somalia’s Ambassador to Qatar, Omar Sheikh Idris, and was attended by officials from QC partner institutions, delegates from Somali civil society organisations and parents.

The students were chosen after their exams during the school year 2013-2014.

Prizes were distributed by the ambassador and the Director of the QC Office. QC’s Nashid Band performed.

Student Raida Ali Mahmoud gave a speech in Arabic,  thanking QC for its efforts and urging other orphans to be diligent in studies and to maintain a good moral character.

The mother of student Saida Mohamed Farih delivered the parents’ speech and said QC has provided her children with comprehensive care, helping them avoid orphanhood by sponsoring them, and providing financial support that has allowed them to continue studies.

She also praised the follow-up care provided by QC, including the ceremony, and for recognising academic achievements and encouraging ingenuity and excellence.

Mohammed Hussein Omar, Manager, QC’s  Somalia office,  said the office holds the ceremony every year to honour sponsored orphans who excel academically.

“Through this ceremony the office aims to encourage talented orphans to continue hard work and motivate others not lucky to win awards this year to achieve excellence and win awards the following year.

“The number of outstanding orphans this year is double than last year, and will increase in the years to come,” Omar said.

Idris paid tribute to QC for supporting the Somali people in general and particularly for orphans who lost their parents due to civil wars.

Idris said QC is a role model and urged other charities to benefit from its experience.

QC strives to make Somalia an educated and sophisticated society free from ignorance, illiteracy and extremism. It currently sponsors 370 university students, 89 teachers and Holy Quran mahfez, 25 university professors and scholars and 129 imams and preachers. It also sponsors around 8,000 orphans or around 15 percent of about 50,000 sponsored orphans, making the charity the leading humanitarian organisation in  sponsoring orphans.

The Peninsula

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