Monday, July 01, 2024
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PUBLIC LETTER – To the President of Somalia and Somali People


To: President of the Federal Republic of Somalia
To: All Somali Citizens
Cc: Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of Somalia
Cc: Office of the Speakers of the House of People and the Senate
Cc: ALL Members of the House of People and the Senate

 Cc: Finland Embassy – Somalia
Cc: Norway Embassy – Somalia
Cc: US Embassy – Somalia
Cc: EU Embassy – Somalia
Cc: Denmark Embassy – Somalia
Cc: Sweden Embassy – Somalia
Cc: UK Embassy – Somalia
Cc: Netherland Embassy – Somalia
Cc: Italy Embassy – Somalia
Cc: World Bank – Somalia
Cc: IMF – Somalia

Subject: PUBLIC LETTER – To the President of Somalia and Somali People

House of the People
Office of Hon. Abdillahi Hashi Abib

Mr. President,

I have written and sent to your Excellency Mr. President, the Prime Minister, Cabinet Ministers, Auditor General of Somalia, Attorney General of Somalia, and Governor of the Central Bank of Somalia more than 54 Official Oversight Reports, and I have not received a single response. I am writing to you as an Independent Member of Parliament who has no associations or relationships with existing opposition leaders nor any interest in making my cause a political statement. I am a true believer in the rule of law, accountability, transparency, and the principle that no one is above the law.

My allegiance as a Member of Parliament is solely to the duty of carrying out true oversight based on factual data and documentation. I engage in unbiased and thorough analysis to fulfill the oath I took on April 26, 2022. Despite the lack of responses to my numerous oversight reports, I remain committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity and governance. The importance of responding to these reports cannot be overstated, as they are critical to ensuring that government actions are subject to proper scrutiny and that public officials are held accountable for their conduct. The principles of good governance and transparency are cornerstones of a functioning democracy. It is imperative that all levels of government, including the Prime Minister and Cabinet Ministers, recognize and respond to legitimate oversight efforts. By doing so, we reinforce the public’s trust in our institutions and demonstrate our commitment to the rule of law.

Mr. President, there are only two reasons for your silence: either you are part of this rampant corruption, as the Somali say “Awr ba Awrka ka Horeeya Buu Socodkiisa Leeyahay” and you can’t do anything about it because they outmaneuver you, or you don’t comprehend the extent to which this rampant corruption is destroying the fabric of Somali society and burdening generous international taxpayers. The parliamentary elections in the EU are a good example of why far-right parties are winning elections; they are tired of their taxpayers’ money enriching a few trusted inner circle in Villa Somalia, including you, while the Somali people receive no benefit and, due to poverty, risk their lives seeking refuge in the EU.

Mr. President, I want you to understand why I am the only Member of Parliament fighting non-stop to stop corruption. It is not personal or political; it is the value instilled by my parents, who strictly practiced justice, the rule of law, accountability, transparency, and freedom of speech in our household. Everyone was equal, and family decisions were made collectively with respect to the majority vote. My father set an excellent example by fighting corruption in every office he hold and believed no one is above the law, including the president. My father raised a household of nine on a salary of 1500 shillings ($120) despite holding high-ranking positions for 40 years such as District Commissioner, Governor, Director of Cabinet, Director General of the Ministry of Interior, Director General of the Directorate of Local Government and Rural Development, Director General of the Ministry of Transportation and Civil Aviation, and Director General of the Somali Parliament.

My parents taught us the value of hard work and earning through merit, which is why all my siblings won scholarships through tough competition instead of nepotism or abuse of power. We walked to school under the hot sun in Mogadishu, and when we complained, our parents gave us tough love and told us to earn a better education to buy your own car, as my father’s position belonged to the public and could not be used for private matters. These are the values my parents instilled in us as we were growing up. These are the values that motivate and guide me in carrying out my oversight duties, as I took an oath to defend my beloved country.

Despite presenting substantial evidence regarding these allegations, your silence on this matter, as well as your failure to refute the validity of the evidence or address the allegations in a professional manner as required by the parliamentary rules of inquiry, is alarming. Instead of responding to my legitimate concerns (except for one instance via WhatsApp, in which you asked me to emulate Senator Dube who often praises you), you chose a different path. You convened your inner circle, including senior advisors at Villa Somalia, the Deputy Prime Minister, the Minister of Finance, the Governor of the Central Bank of Somalia, the Minister of Education, Culture and Higher Education, the Deputy Minister of Information, and outside counsel. Subsequently, you opted to approach the most junior Deputy Minister from my region to defame me by falsely accusing me of committing treason against the Federal Republic of Somalia.

Read more: PUBLIC LETTER – To the President of Somalia and Somali People

Hon. Abdillahi Hashi Abib

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