by Kevin Okemwa

Microsoft Translator supports over 100 different languages and is available for users on Office, Translator for Bing, and Microsoft Translator apps. And now, there are two more that you can enjoy.
Microsoft has just added two more languages to Translator, Zulu, and Somali. Somali is a language spoken in countries in the horn of Africa, and Zulu is spoken in South Africa and is one of the nation’s 11 official languages.
The addition of both languages means users can add text translations from both languages to their apps, websites, workflows, tools, and even in documents. Moreover, it is also worth noting that the Microsoft Translator can be used with Cognitive Services to further enhance additional capabilities such as speech-to-text and image translation.
Earlier this year, Microsoft introduced two new languages to the Translator Inuinnaqtun and Romanized Inuktitut. Through the addition of new languages like these, Microsoft aims to bridge the communication barrier and at the same time preserve endangered languages. Not forgetting that Microsoft recently made some enhancements with the adoption of Z-code to the Translator to speed up the translation times.
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