TO: Hassan Sh. Mohamud, President of the Federal Republic of Somalia
CC: Omar Abdirashid Ali, Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of Somalia
CC: Abdirahman Tuur Yare, Commissioner of NISA, Sitting Committee on National Security
We write to express concern about the recent arrest of Ali Abdi Wardhere by NISA to deny permission of movement and of expression of his inherent human rights. NISA’s actions to detain a citizen without any due process of law violates the country’s legal obligations toward the well-being of the citizens and should be immediately reversed.

Free Ali Yare is an international non-violence vote that monitors the human rights situation for Ali Abdi Wardhere and demands his freedom.
We are aware that on June 07, 2015, the Ministry of Security posted a special announcement on, publicizing that Ali Abdi Wardhere, among other friends, was accused of defamation and slander against government officials. We are also aware that on June 11, 2015, Ali Abdi Wardhere was taken to a detention facility where he remains jailed without legal hearing.
While the existence of such accusations are utterly debatable, the Federal Constitution grants the freedom of expression of opinion of any kind and upholds these very rights by clarifying them through the following passages:
• Article 18 at Section I, “Every person has the right to have and express their opinions and to receive and impart their opinion, information and ideas in any way.
• Article 18 at Section II: “Freedom of expression includes freedom of speech, and freedom of the media, including all forms of electronic and web-based media.”
Similarly, in Article 15, at Section II, the Federal Constitution upholds the fullest possible of personal security and guarantees that “Every person has the right to personal security, which shall be safeguarded through the prohibition of illegal detention, all forms of violence, including any form of violence…torture, or inhumane treatment.”
The Somalia Federal Government should protect the freedom of movement and expression of the opinion in any media platform. Concerns about national security disruptions are a weak excuse in light of prior large-scale incrimination and should never be interpreted to violate human rights and personal injury. All national security agencies should be able to manage those disruptions, and even conflicting demonstrations, without resorting to putting down expressions of opinions.
The Somalia authorities’ failure to allow the human rights freedom is in stark contrast to the leadership role Somalia Federal Government should have taken locally and internationally.
Somalia is party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which guarantees the freedom of peaceful assembly and expression. This treaty obligates the government to secure effective enjoyment of those rights, which means taking appropriate measures to safeguard peaceful gatherings and protect them from others’ attempts to prevent or disrupt them.The Somalia Federal Government should fulfill its obligation to protect freedom of expressions and find a way to manage them responsibly.
The suppression of the political dissidents deepen our concerns about Somalia’s commitment to uphold the rights of all critics, who are entitled to equal treatment and protection of the law. We urge you to ensure that Somalia’s security forces protect and guarantee the safety and free movement of all political dissidents.
Abdiqani Farah
Member ,
Free Ali Yare Ali
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