How your coffee habit could SAVE your life: Five cups a day ‘lowers your risk of early death from heart disease and diabetes’

How your coffee habit could SAVE your life: Five cups a day ‘lowers your risk of early death from heart disease and diabetes’


Drinking five cups of coffee may make you feel a bit jittery.

But, it could also save your life.

A new study revealed that people who drink coffee regularly are less likely to die of heart disease and diabetes than those who don’t drink coffee.

Furthermore, people who drink four or five cups each day were found to have the lowest risk of early death.

Coffee drinkers were also found to have a reduced risk of premature death from chronic respiratory diseases, diabetes, pneumonia, influenza and suicide.

People who drink four to five cups of coffee per day have a lower risk of dying prematurely from heart disease, diabetes, respiratory diseases, diabetes, pneumonia, influenza and suicide than people who don't drink coffee

People who drink four to five cups of coffee per day have a lower risk of dying prematurely from heart disease, diabetes, respiratory diseases, diabetes, pneumonia, influenza and suicide than people who don’t drink coffee

Study author Dr Erikka Loftfield of the National Cancer Institute told Reuters Health: ‘Coffee contains numerous biologically active compounds, including phenolic acids, potassium and caffeine.’

Researchers looked at data from a previous study on 90,317 adults without cancer or a history of cardiovascular disease.

They followed the group from 1998 to 2009, recording their coffee intake and other dietary and health information.

By 2009, approximately 8,700 study participants had died.

Researchers took various factors – such as smoking – into account.

They determined that coffee drinkers were less likely to have died prematurely during the study than non-coffee drinkers.

Those who drank four to five cups of coffee each day had the lowest risk of dying early.

A similar association was also seen in drinkers of decaffeinated coffee.

Dr Loftfield said: ‘Although coffee drinking has also been inversely associated with incidence of certain cancers, like liver, in epidemiological studies, we did not observe an association between cancer and overall mortality.

‘This may be because coffee reduces mortality risk for some cancers but not others.’

People who drink two to three cups of coffee each day were found to have an 18 per cent lower risk of early death during follow-up appointments, compared to those who don’t drink coffee.

Additionally, drinking up to five cups a day – or 400 milligrams of caffeine per day – wasn’t found to be associated with any long-term health risks.

Consuming moderate amounts of caffeine – up to 200 milligrams per day – is also safe for pregnant women, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

Dr Marc Gunter of Imperial College London, who was not part of the study, said: ‘Coffee drinking is correlated with other health behaviors.’

Those who drink it regularly may also have other healthy habits – such as exercising and eating healthy – he added.

‘You could argue that people who are already sick might not be drinking as much coffee,’ Dr Gunter said.

The doctor noted that coffee may also have a direct effect on imflammation or cardiovascular helath.

‘It doesn’t seem to do you any harm, if you like coffee then carry on,’ he said.

However, Dr Gunter concluded that while coffee can be part of a healthy lifestyle, physicians cannot yet recommend that nondrinkers adopt the habit for health reasons.

The study was published in the American Journal of Epidemiology.


Coffee is rich in an antioxidant called chlorogenic acid, which helps modulate sugar metabolism, control blood pressure, heart disease and cancer.

Scientists from Brandeis University have revealed you can get all the benefits and flavor of your favourite drink, in a flour.

By baking coffee beans for just 10 minutes at 300F, Dr Dan Perlman was able to preserve the amount of chlorogenic acid (CGA) in the bean and create a healthy flour.

The scientist revealed that the par-baked beans can be used as both a food ingredient and a natural supplement.

When coffee is roasted the traditional way – above 400F for 10 to 15 minutes – the CGA content drops dramatically.

But, through that par-baking method, the concentration of CGA in the bean – which is around 10 per cent of the bean’s weight – barely dropped.

However, par-baked coffee beans can’t be used to make coffee because the beans aren’t roasted enough.

Instead, the coffee flour could be blended with regular flours for baking.

It could also be added to breakfast cereals and snack bars, as well as soups, juices and traditional drinks.

Furthermore, to compensate for the CGA lost in traditional roasting, the parbaked bean could be blended with regularly roasted ones.

Source: Mail Online

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