Hodan Osman Dubad: Is no more with us !

Exemplary of fidelity, the indefatigable attendant, the dedicated carer, the compassionate wife, the epitome of fortitude in the execution of her divine mission of serving her old, ailing, and infirm husband, evangelical HODON has suddenly passed away.

Hadrawi and Hodan ( God rest her soul in peace)

Sorrowfully leaving behind her life companion, Maxamed Ibraahim Warsame (Hadraawi), arguably the most popular living Somali poet in pitiably the most shattered human condition.

We are all, Hadraawi’s friends, deeply shocked and profoundly saddened by this irretrievable loss of Hoadn Osman, his wife.

May God rest her soul in peace.
All ha u naxariisto Hodan.



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