Inna Lillahi wa Inna Ileyhi Raji’un (We belong to Allah and to Him We return) .Hassan Mohamed Nur, affectionately known as Hassanow Manur by his friends and colleagues, passed away on Tuesday March 2, 2013, in Bonn, Germany. Recipient of Hero Award from Center for Peace- Building Initiative/Peace & Development Research in their annual meeting in London, UK on February 4, 2012.

The emergence of the RRA was triggered by the invasion of Baidoa by Mohamed Farah Aideed’s militia on September 17, 1995, which overthrows the first Digil-Mirifle regional government, the Riverine State established in March 1995 as an interim autonomous Digil-Mirifle State, with two houses, the House of representative and the House of Elders. This was the first autonomous State in southern Somalia since the collapse of Barre regime. It was covering the following regions: Bay, Bakool, Gedo, Jubbada Dhexe, Jubbada Hoose, Shabellada Hoose and Banadir. Hssan Sheikh, known as Dr. Hassey was the President of this State.
Shargaduud’s major task was to recruit, train, and arm young Digil-Mirifle men and women. In early 1996, he launched successful attacks on major important installations held by Aideed. During the Sodere Peace and Reconciliation Conference of 1997, Shargaduud insisted that RRA would not negotiate with those who occupied Digil-Mirifle land, “what is taken by force would only be retaken by force.” By 1998, the RRA liberated Bakool, Bay, parts of Gedo and Shabelle. Because of the Arta Reconciliation Conference of May-August, 2000, the RRA military activity was temporarily suspended hoping the TNG might bring about comprehensive peace. Nevertheless, when Abdulqasim Salad’s TNG failed, the RRA resume its activities and Hassan Mohamed Nur Shargaduud established a State called Southwest Somalia in November 27, 2002, and he became its President.
Hassanow Manur “Shargaduud” was a true friend for more than 40 years. For health reasons he could not make the peace conference that I organized in London last year. I spoke with him recently while in hospital. To those of us whose lives were touched by Hassanow Manur, let us keep his memory alive in our thoughts, and spend as much time as we can to celebrate his life; a life well spent. Aluta Continua.
Prof. Mohamed Haji Mukhtar
Savannah State University
Savannah, Georgia, USA
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