Defence Cabinet Secretary Aden Duale has promised that Kenya Defense Forces and police artillery will be modernized to thwart threats posed by al-Shabaab militia.

The modern equipment the forces will be provided with will include sophisticated armoured personal carriers with the ability to detect improvised explosive devices that have often been planted by al-Shabaab operatives and their sympathisers.
Speaking at a public baraza in Masalani in Garissa County after meeting elders and community leaders over the security challenges the region is facing, Duale said the government will no longer allow any terrorist attack in any part of the country.
At least 22 officers have died in the last two weeks in Garissa and Lamu counties in attacks suspected to have been carried out by militants.
One suspected al-Shabaab terrorist was arrested last Thursday along Garissa- Dadaab Road by a multi-agency team.
The CS disclosed that in the next three months, the government will buy sophisticated weaponry to help the police and the Kenya Defense Forces in the fight against al-Shabaab. “The government will not be intimidated in any way,” Duale said.
Duale at the same time ordered all national government administrative officers to either stay on their duty posts or quit.
Interior and National Administration Principal Secretary Raymond Omolo, who accompanied the CS, echoed the minister’s sentiments that officials who do not stay in their jurisdictions should leave the service even as he called for collaboration between residents and security officials in the fight against terrorism.
While allaying fears the insecurity situation in northern Kenya could be running out of control, Omollo said his main responsibility is to keep safe all Kenyans and their property, a duty he will perform fully.
Elders who spoke at the baraza pledged to work with the government in the fight against terrorism.
They said they will not be chased away from their homes by the terrorists who continue to attack security agencies on patrol along the roads.
Ahmed Yusuf Ali, one of the elders, cautioned residents against sympathising with the terrorists and instead report any suspicious persons to the security officials.
Source: The Standard
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