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The Next Round of Talks in Ankara

The Next Round of Talks in Ankara

Khatumo State Press Release ______________ The federal government of Somalia is due to hold talks at Ankara with representatives from the one- clan based secessionist enclave calling itself Somaliland. This is a follow-up to the  first round of talks held in Ankara on 14 April which will be remembered as a blatant betrayal of Somalia...

Somali peace ‘historic responsibility’: Turkish FM

Somali peace ‘historic responsibility’: Turkish FM

Turkey always keeps Somali and Somaliland dialogue on its agenda, Davutoglu said   ISTANBUL Helping Somalis “in every possible way” is a “historic responsibility” for Turkey, said Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu on Saturday. Davutoglu held a joint meeting with delegations of government officials from Somalia and Somaliland in central Istanbul in a continuation of peace talks that began on April...

Dhagayso Warka Radio Wardheer

Dhagayso Warka Radio Wardheer

Muqdisho, july 6, 2013 (WDN)- Warka Radio Wardheer, Qodobbada warka aad ku maqli doontaan dhageystayaal waxaa ka mid ah, Wafdi uu hoggaaminayo Shiikh Axmed Madoobe oo garay Gaalkacyo, dagaalo u dhaxeeyay ciiddamada dowladda iyo Al Shabaab oo ka dhacay duleedka Xudur, saaraakiil kulan ku yeeshay Buuhoodle oo sheegay in degaanada Khatumo aysan ka dhici doonin doorashooyinka...

Daah-furka Akadeemiya-goboleed Af-Soomaaligu Yeeshay

Daah-furka Akadeemiya-goboleed Af-Soomaaligu Yeeshay

Toddobaadkii lagu jirey dabbaaldegyadii lagu xusayey maalmihii taariikhiga ahaa ee xornimada, 26ka iyo 27ka  Juun iyo 1da Luulyo, waxaa garab socdey shirar iyana taariikhi ah oo lagu daah-furay Akadeemiya-goboleedda Af-Soomaaliga oo ah xarun-cilmiyeed nooc cusub ah, taas oo lagaga dhawaaqay Magaalada Jabuuti, Jamhuuriyadda Jabuuti. Waa haya’d ka dhexaysa  gayiga ama dalalka Geeska Afrika ee ay...

State should re-think Somalia peace efforts

State should re-think Somalia peace efforts

Kenya’s strategy in Somalia has always been something of a gamble, with a prudent military approach married to a more risky political arrangement. The success of the former, however, should not blind the Government to the inherent dangers of the latter. As we warned in the first week of April last year, when this newspaper reported exclusively...