Thursday, July 04, 2024
Wardheer News

Be Good Even if You Don’t Receive Good

BY: IMAM IBN AL-QAYYIM This is a beautiful advice by the great scholar Imam Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyya (rahimahullah): “A friend will not (literally) share your struggles, and a loved one cannot physically take away your pain, and a close one will not … Continued

Giving gifts in Islam

Gift-giving is one of the good manners that maintains and strengthens relations between the giver and the recipient. It is one of the acts that Prophet Muhammad  recommended Muslims to do. Al-Bukhari  narrated that ‘Aa’ishah  said: “The Messenger of Allah  used to accept gifts … Continued


BY: AELFWINE MISCHLER Ashura’ commemorates the day that Allah saved the Children of Israel from Pharaoh. Fasting on Muharram 10, known as the Day of ‘Ashura’, expiates for the sins of the past year. When the Prophet (peace and blessings be … Continued

Saudi Arabia to start receiving Umrah requests

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Hajj and Umrah announced that it will accept Umrah requests starting from Aug. 9, 2021, for pilgrims to perform the Islamic rituals, and visit and pray in the Grand Mosque and Prophet’s Mosque, state news … Continued

History of Hijrah: Migration for Peace and Justice

 BY: NIMAH ISMAIL NAWWAB After Mohamed (SAW) had preached publicly for more than a decade, the opposition to him reached such a high pitch that, fearful for their safety, he sent some of his adherents to Ethiopia, where the Christian ruler … Continued

Signs of a New World Amid Darkness

BY: MANSOOR ALAM It seems that the more the human condition worsens the more there emerges a glimmer of hope from this darkness. The Quran says:  إِذَا السَّمَاء انشَقَّتْ  (84:1) – WHEN THE SKY is split asunder. [Asad] Human Domination of … Continued

Remember Who You Are

BY: SPAHIC OMER This article is about man and how his life is torn between remembrance and forgetfulness. The article shows that man’s primordial origins were in Heaven and were pure. His task on earth is merely to remember who he … Continued


Bahda Tifatirka iyo qorayaasha WardheerNews, waxay halkan ugu soo gudbinayaan hambalyada munasibadda maalinta barakaysan ee Ciidul Adxa dhammaan ummadda mulimiintu meelkasta oo ay joogaan, gaaar ahaan shacabka Soomaaliyeed. Waxay Eebbe uga baryayaan in uu sannadkan kiisa kale ku gaadhsiiyo nabad, … Continued

Masked Hajj pilgrims on Mount Arafat pray for COVID-free world

ARAFAT, Saudi Arabia: Thousands of face-masked pilgrims performing Islam’s annual Hajj pilgrimage gathered on Mount Arafat on Monday to atone for their sins, expressing hopes for peace and an end to the COVID-19 pandemic. Saudi Arabia, home to Islam’s holiest … Continued