Haddaadan dunida wax ku soo kordhinayn adigaa dusheeda siyaado ku ah. Mustafa Araafici (AUN) Kolka la abla-ablaynayo heerrarka caqliyada aadanaha iyo qaab fekerkooda waxaa la yiraahdaa waxay u kala qaybsamaan saddex nooc: caqliyo waawayn, caqliyo meel dhexaad ah iyo caqliyo yar yar. Caqliyada waawayni waxay ka wada sheekaystaan, kana doodaan mabaadii iyo afkaar, caqliyada...
Mahadhadii Maxammad Nuur: Qaybtii 3 xaad
Cunnada, xoolo-dhaqashada iyo ugaarta dhulkayaga “ Dhulkayaga waxaa laga cunaa; wax la karsho, wax la dubo iyo wax la dhamo. Waa intaa cuntada la yaqaan ee dadku cunaa, miraha ma ahee. Dadka magaalada joogaa waxa uu cunaa bariis, timir iyo kibis. Kibista waxay u dubaan caynado badan. Tan engegga lagu cuno waxaa iyadana loo dubaa...
Winds of Change in Kenya :WardheerNews Editorial
After almost a weeklong tedious general election that was the first of its kind in Kenya’s modern election history, Kenyans felt the horrors of political obscurantism, the dissipation of national cohesion, and the callousness of their leadership mainly because of the overwhelming disputes and petitions that inundated the nation’s adjudication courts. Constituencies that have been...
The US-China Economic Cold War in Africa
It has been known that Africa is this century’s most visible economic battle ground for China and the West. But in recent years, this battle has been intensified so much so that it is being waged out in the open. Last year, Hillary Clinton, former U.S. Secretary of State, visited 6 African countries in an...
Safar aan Jaho lahayn: Qaybtii 6aad
Bishii Febraayo 1978, ayaa dagaalkii dhawrka bilood soconayay ee dhex maray Itoobiya iyo Soomaaliya marxalad iyo waaya cusub galay. Daadkii oo xagga kale ku soo rogmaday ayaa la arkay. Ciidankii Soomaaliyeed oo aan u babac dhigi karayn huwanta isbiirsatay ee Midowga Soofiyeeti calanka u sido, ayaa amar lagu siiyay inay Itoobiya ka soo baxaan. Cabsi...
Raped & Railroaded into the Calaboose
Woman Is the Nigger of the World. John Lennon & Yoko Ono This above all To refuse to be a victim Unless I can do that I can do nothing I have to recant Give up the old belief That I am powerless . . . Withdrawing is no longer possible And the alternative is...
Somalia: A Government Failing at its own Peril
Preface Somalis could aptly capture the disappointment with Hassan Sheikh Mohamoud’s administration in the following proverb: “Dhedo roob noqon weydey!” and a fittingly comparable Indian saying goes “Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm….,” One must wonder why conditions in Mogadishu and adjoining southwestern regions of Somalia...
Ignorance is the Enemy of Love: A Book Review
Faarax Maxamed Jaamac Cawl was the most improbable writer before he authored “Aqoondarro waa u nacab jacayl” and, subsequently, two other books. He was a technical man, having been educated at what used to be the Trade School in Hargeisa, and later at the Chelsea College of Aeronautical and Automobile Engineering in London from 1959 to...
Why does Somalia have the highest rates of child mortality in the world?
Because of revitalized and sustained global efforts to improve child survival, the world has succeeded in reducing global child mortality from 12 million in 1990 to 6.9 million in 2011. This success delighted some global child health leaders such as the director of the UNICEF, Anthony Lake. What is disheartening, however, is that the...
An Open Letter to President Hassan Sh. Mohamoud: A re-joinder
Ismail Haji Warsame ________________ Said Faadi’s recent open letter to Somalia’s incumbent President, H.E. Hassan Sh Mohamud, was quite articulate, relatively fair and consistent with current political developments in Somalia and its nascent, renewed foreign relations. I, however, take some critical exceptions to the credit Mr. Faadi has accorded to the President regarding the latter’s recent foreign trips and high profile symbolic receptions...