Wednesday, July 03, 2024
Wardheer News

How to Accept and Reject Other Faiths?

 BY: ABDULLAH SAEED Much of the content of the Qur’an centers on the themes of faith in the One God and rejection of all other deities or objects of worship. Terms relating to belief, unbelief, hypocrisy, monotheism, and polytheism abound. In … Continued

12 Quranic Verses for Year End Reflection

Prophet Muhammad  reminds us,  “There are two of God’s favors that are forgotten by many people: health and free time.” As the year comes to an end and we start a new year, the following verses of the Quran reflect on the … Continued

Jesus in Islam

BY: SADULLAH KHAN Behold! the angels said: “O Mary! Allah gives you glad tidings of a Word from Him: his name will be Christ Jesus, the son of Mary, held in honor in this world and the Hereafter, he is of … Continued

Prophets in Judaism and Islam and How Allah Choses Them

 BY: RABBI ALLEN S. MALLER Prophethood is a concept that is common to all three Abrahamic religions. Significant portions of the Qur’an, the Jewish Bible and the Christian Bible are dedicated to the words of the Jewish Prophets. Prophets who are … Continued

Ink of a Scholar: Holier than Blood of a Martyr

BY: MOHAMED ELMASRY Role of Knowledge and Science in Islamic Civilization It is becoming more widely known that the first university of Europe was established in Spain by Muslims. But how many of us – whether academically inclined or not – … Continued

India: Hindu groups continue to disrupt Muslim prayers in Gurgaon

For more than two months now, Hindu vigilantes have tried to stop the minority community from offering their prayers outside Indian capital. For more than two months now, right-wing Hindu groups have been protesting against Muslims offering Friday prayers in public spaces … Continued

The Prophetic Way of Creating an Organization

 BY: MANSOOR ALAM The Prophet (PBUH) faced intense confrontation from the opponents for his revolutionary call to establish Allah’s Deen. But he faced the opponents with extraordinary patience and fortitude. Facing these heart-wrenching events wasn’t the only task before the Prophet … Continued

Adopting Prophet’s (PBUH) Beautiful Style For Dawah

BY: MANSOOR ALAM The code of Divine Laws according to which humans become the rightful inheritors of this earth, was given to humankind through the Prophet (PBUH). He (PBUH) proclaimed to all nations that their correct and complete development can only … Continued

Tacsi: Ismaacil Axmed Cirguje

Bahda WadheerNews, qurbo joogta iyo guud ahaanbe  beesha Geri waxay iyagoo ka tiiraanyaysan halkan tacsi uga dirayaan, qoyskii, eheladii iyo asxaabtii uu ka baxay marxuum Ismaacil Axmed Cirguje, oo ku geeriyoday  magaalada Addis Ababa. Ismaaciil waxa uu ka mid ahaa … Continued

Trick or Treat? Halal or Haram?

Subhan-Allah, its Autumn! Every time I look around and marvel at Allah’s creation of beautiful seasons, each unique and alternating with a rhythm and purpose, I am humbled and grateful towards our Creator, the artist who created the Universe and … Continued