Wednesday, July 03, 2024
Wardheer News

Are We Achieving or Missing the Objectives of Fasting?

 BY: SPAHIC OMER As yet another blessed month of Ramadan unfolds, the perennial, and somewhat disturbing, truth re-emerges. That truth is that a great many Muslims fast. In many countries, overwhelming majorities – perhaps all — do so. In some countries, … Continued

Prophet’s Sermon on the Month of Ramadan

BY: EL-SAYED RACHAD EL-MOUSSAOU This sermon has been narrated by al-Sadooq in his book, “Al Amali” relying on the authority of Imam al-Rida, who quotes his forefathers, peace be upon them, who in turn quote Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) saying: “O people! … Continued

Being Shaped by Ramadan

BY: KHALID MAHMOOD At this time when we experience occasions, of much sorrow and some contentment, we sense the promise in the advent of Ramadan, the month of mercy and forgiveness. In the climate of this month of light, we feel … Continued

Ramadan Mubarak

Bahda Tifatirka, Wariyayaasha iyo dhammaan suxufiyiinta ka hawlgala warbaahinta WardheerNews, waxay ummaddaha muslimiinta, gaar ahaan shacabka Soomaliyeed meel kasta oo ay joogaan ugu hambalyaynayaan bilowga bisha barakayasan ee Ramadan. Waxay Eebbe ka baryaynaa inuu khayrkeeda iyo barakadeeda ina waafajiyo, innagana … Continued

Tacsi: Cabdiqaadir Xaashi Cilmi

Inaa Lilaahi Wa Inaa Ilayhi Raajicuun Waxa maanta ku geeriyooday magaalada Hydrebad ee dalka Hindiya Eng Cabdiqaadir Xaashi Cilmi. Marxuum Cabdiqaadir ayaa ahaa ganacsade magaca iyo maamuuska ku dhex leh guud ahaan Soomaalida, gaar ahaan Soomaliland iyo Soomali galbeed, isagoo … Continued

4 Impacts and 5 Ways to Improve your Fasting

Ramadan is a special time for reflection, self-improvement, kindness and spirituality – and fasting is one of the key pillars of this sacred month, as believers fast from dawn to dusk. 4 Positive Impacts of Fasting: Regulates ‘bad’ cholesterol Many … Continued

Malcolm X Quotes to Awaken your Mind

Malcolm X was among the most famous American Civil Rights leader and activist. Although his life was cut short in the prime of his life, his ideals are an example of a steadfast moral compass. Media The media’s the most … Continued

Reflections on Isra and Miraj

BY: A K M MOHIUDDIN Isra and Miraj are mysteries that no human being will ever be able to fathom, but there are important lessons in them that every Muslim can learn. First, it is a reminder of the limitless majesty, power and glory … Continued

Parents and Their Children

 BY: SARAH SYED Throughout history, though people have and continue to idolize the rich and famous for their worldly success and whose lives are eagerly scrutinized, Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam (SAW), Peace and Blessings be upon him) is the one … Continued

Rajab: The Month of Peace and Pluralism

BY: ASLAM ABDULLAH Rajab is the seventh month of Islamic Lunar Calendar. This month is a prelude to Ramadan, the ninth month in the Islamic calendar in which Muslims are commanded to observe fasting from sunrise to sunset. It is also … Continued

Rajab: Reflecting on a Challenging Period

BY: SADULLAH KHAN During the month of Rajab, we recall the isra’ wal mi’raj (night journey and ascension) of the Prophet, peace be upon him. It was a remarkable journey of the best of creation to the majesty of the Creator, which transpired … Continued

Does Allah Misguide Anyone?

BY: MANSOOR ALAM It is common practice to begin a sermon by reciting a traditional prayer and praise to Allah, and the Prophet (PBUH) and his family. In this prayer, the following words are constantly heard: Man-yahdihillahu fala mudilla lahu wa … Continued