Wednesday, July 03, 2024
Wardheer News

Recitation, sermon robots launched at Grand Mosque in Makkah

MAKKAH: Robots will recite the Holy Qur’an and provide information to visitors at Islam’s holiest site following the latest technology rollout by the Presidency of the Two Holy Mosques. The recitations, sermons and azan robots will feature at the Grand … Continued

Why We Should Learn the Quran

BY: AMINA BELLO The Qur’an (Arabic: القرآن) is the holy book of Islam which contains beautiful words of Allah (SWT). The Qurʾān was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (SAW) through Angel Jibreel in the cities of Mecca and Madina beginning in 610 … Continued

Fundamental Principles of Understanding Hadith

BY: AMIN AHSAN ISLAHI We study and ponder over ahaadith (sayings and the traditions of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ ) to fully benefit from the prophetic knowledge transmitted to humanity in the form of traditions. Proper investigation and contemplation on ahaadith require that the researchers … Continued

RW Xamse oo ku dhawaaqay golihiisa wasiirada

Muqdisho, Ra’isalwasaaraha xukuumadda Soomaaliya ayaa maanta munaasabad ballaaran oo Muqdisho ka dhacdey kaga dhawaaqay xubnaha golihiisa wasiirada oo uu muddo dib udhac ku yimid. Xubnaha golaha wasiirrada oo lagu shaaciayay wareegto ka soo baxday xafiiska RW ayaa ka kooban sida … Continued

For those who could not make it to Hajj

The Pilgrimage to Makkah, is one of the essential elements of the Islamic faith. It is obligatory on all believers provided they have the financial capability and physical ability to endure the challenges of the pilgrimage. According to Islamic tradition … Continued


Bahda Tifatirka iyo qorayaasha WardheerNews, waxay halkan ugu soo gudbinayaan hambalyada munasibadda maalinta barakaysan ee Ciidul Adxa dhammaan ummadda mulimiintu meelkasta oo ay joogaan, gaaar ahaan shacabka Soomaaliyeed. Waxay Eebbe uga baryayaan in uu sannadkan kiisa kale ku gaadhsiiyo nabad … Continued

Han iyo Hagardaamo: Buug Cusub

Han iyo Hagardaamo waa buug cusub oo uu qoray Maxamuud Ibraahim jaamac (Xaaji), waana sheeko-faneed qaadaadhigaysa hanka durugsan iyo haybadda waxsoosaar ee Ilaah hibada u siiyay walaalaheena gabooye. Waxaa barbar socda taas, hagardaamada iyo hantaaqada ay Soomaalida kale ku hayaan … Continued

Meaning and Essence of Prayer

 BY: MANSOOR ALAM Human beings have been praying for as long as humanity has existed.  Rich or poor, literate or illiterate, the urge to pray is equally present in all.  A well-known author has best described this as follows: “In wandering … Continued

The First Hajj

BY: BARNABY ROGERSON Essential to Muslim belief are Abraham and his son Ishmael. In the Qur’an they are the ancestors of the Arabs who together established Mecca’s unique spiritual Status. Every ritual action of the Hajj pilgrimage can be seen to … Continued