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Presidential election: Uncertain future for the incumbent

Presidential election: Uncertain future for the incumbent

WardheerNews Editorial The 2017 Presidential election in Somalia could stay true to the sweeping trend that the rest of the world has witnessed – the wind of anti-incumbency.  Somalia and its nascent parliament could easily reject Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud and bring about a sorely needed change in Villa Somalia. Change in Somalia has been coming...

WDN Persons of the year 2016: Hassan Abukar and Faisal Roble

WDN Persons of the year 2016: Hassan Abukar and Faisal Roble

 By WardheerNews WardheerNews recognizes Hassan Abukar and Faisal Roble as their persons of the year.  Although Hassan and Faisal hail from different regions, they have a common bond through their writings for the love of country in this climate where everything Somali is derided around the world. Given their continues, never yielding, daring writing on...


Professor Enow: A Unique Voice in Somali History

WardheerNews editorial The death of Professor Omar Enow, on December 2, 2016, is a major loss for Somalia and for the often overlooked Somali-Bantu history, in particular. Not only was he the voice of the voiceless, but also a tireless campaigner for a new school of thought about Somali Studies; he promoted a vision that...



WardheerNews Editorial “Mr. President, you have been in office for four years, have you succeeded in securing Mogadishu? My second question is: Regarding the children in the camps (Internally Displaced People), do they have Dugsi (Qur’an schools), regular schools, and doctors to treat them? If that is not the case, is it fair?” Adnan is...


Madaxweyne Xasan iyo Doorashooyinka Soomaaliya

Aragtida Tifaftirka WardheerNews “ Madaxweyne waxaan  ku weydiinayaa afar sano ayaad Soomaaliya joogtaa, wali Xamar  Ammaankeeda ma sugtay ? Su’aashayda labaad, ilmaha Kaamanka deggen dugsi ma haystaan, Iskool ma haystaan, Dhakhtar ma haystaan, Ilaah xaqiisa maiyaa?” Cadnaan waa will yar oo Minosata deggan, da’diisu lama sheegin laakin waxaan ku qiyaasi karnaa ilaa 6-7 jir, waxaanu ka...


Hajj: Eid Al Adha

By WardheerNews Editorial “In it are Signs Manifest; (for example), the Station of Abraham; whoever enters it attains security; Pilgrimage thereto is a duty men owe to Allah,- those who can afford the journey; but if any deny faith, Allah stands not in need of any of His creatures” Surat Imran Performing the Hajj, is...


Cawke: A legendary Somali Icon

 WardheerNews Editorial The sudden death of Ahmed Hassan Cawke on November 17, 2015 has led to an outpouring of grief among almost all sections of the Somali population  across regions, territories and around the world. We received tributes from his colleagues, politicians, and media as well as from his friends in school days. All these...

When cultural tension meets social media

When cultural tension meets social media

By WardheerNews Conventional wisdom predicts people bring their cultural norms to social media. This phenomenon has opened itself wide in a recent incident that involves the jailing of Xidigaha Geeska (Horn Stars), a Somali entertainer ensemble that hails from Somaliland, the self-declared enclave in Northern Somalia. The four young stars were jailed in Hargeysa on...

Hajj: Eid Al Adha

Hajj: Eid Al Adha

By WardheerNews Editorial “It is the duty of all believers towards God to come to the house of the pilgrims, if able to make their way out there”.   (Surah 3:19) Performing the Hajj, is the fifth pillar of   Islam. Hajj means the pilgrimage to Mecca; it is compulsory upon all Muslims  who are financially capable and...