By WardheerNews The Somali government, under President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, has escalated its war on free speech with a deliberate and aggressive campaign to silence all dissenting voices. On March 1, 2025, the crackdown claimed its first casualty when Ali Adan Mumin, a well-known political commentator and journalist, was arrested on baseless charges of “threatening...
Category: Editorials
By WardheerNews Editorial “In it are Signs Manifest; (for example), the Station of Abraham; whoever enters it attains security; Pilgrimage thereto is a duty men owe to Allah,- those who can afford the journey; but if any deny faith, Allah stands not in need of any of His creatures” Surat Imran. Performing the Hajj, is...
A Fresh Vision: Fowzia Haji Adan AU Chairwoman Candidate
WardheerNews Editorial The African Union (AU), founded in 2002, as a successor to the Organization of African Unity (OAU) established in 1963, was envisioned as a robust framework to propel the African continent towards greater unity, peace, and development. Over the years, the AU has played a significant role in addressing various continental issues that...
Is the lifting of arms embargo on Somalia a timely decision?
WardheerNews Editorial On December 1, 2023, the 15-member body of the United Nations Security Council lifted the over 30–year arms embargo on the Somali Federal Government but maintained it on Al Shabaab terrorists. Unanimously adopting draft resolution S/RES/2714(2023), it nullified resolution 733 (1992). The final resolution of 2714 (2023) read that lifting the arms embargo is meant...
Doorashooyinka Puntand: Daaraasad Gaar ah- Ururka Kaah iyo Gobolka Sanaag
Tifaftirka WardheerNews Hordhac: Soomaliya guud ahaan muddo ka badan 54 sano kama aanay dhicin doorashooyin qof iyo cod (1p1v) heer Baarlamaan (golaha wakiilada) iyo heer degaan, maadaama waddanku muddo badan uu ku jiray xukun Milateri, burbur iyo dowlad la’aan. Marka laga reebo Soomaaliland oo ku dhawaaqday in ay Soomaaliay inteeda kale ka go’aday sanadkii 1991,...
The Hassan- Hamza administration ushering in a paradigm change
WardheerNews Editorial As millions of Somalis are celebrating the dual events of the 62nd birthday of their nation and the coming of a new administration during the week of June 26 through July1, WardheerNews could not miss but reflect some of the daunting tasks at hand. Many feel that with the right moves, President Hassan...
State Building: Reconstruction from bottom up
WardheerNews Editorial Section 1 of Article 1 of the Somali Draft Constitution starts with these solemn words: “Somalia is a federal, sovereign, and democratic republic founded on inclusive representation of the people and a multiparty system and social justice.” President Hassan Sheikh Mohamoud and his incoming administration must inject new energy to resuscitate the weakened...
The Sham selection that Shames Somalia: The case of President Deni
WardheerNews Editorial Somalia was under various transitional governments since the collapse of the military-led central government in January 1991. These transitional arrangements were meant to prepare the way for a permanent government that could return Somalia to its former standing. Somalia’s government was finally recognized in 2012 as full-fledged Federal Government (FGS) by the international...
ONLF: Thank You PM Roble
WardheerNews Editorial Wardheernews joins millions of Somalis who enthusiastically welcomed the decision of PM Hussein Mohamed Roble of Somalia to nullify a treasonous decision that designated Ogaden National Liberarion Front (ONLF) as a terrorist group in the Horn of Africa. Such a decision was taken by President Mohamed A. Farmajo and his then Prime Minister,...
President Cagjar turns a blind eye on Oromo’s land grab in Somali territories
By WardheerNews land grabbing, a phenomena that is often associated in countries with weak governments, not only displaces impoverished people, but also leads to protracted conflicts and endless wars between communities. The Oromo regional administration in Ethiopia, has recently began constructing a water reservoir in the Somali region territory at the Marar valley in Tuli...