NAIROBI, Kenya, Dec 29, 2012 (AP) —The health of thousands of Somali refugees will be threatened if they are moved from the country’s urban areas into a camp near the Kenyan-Somali border, an international aid group has said. Dadaab refugee camp is overstretched well beyond its original capacity of 90,000 people and to add more...
Author: WDN
Somali children’s center is likely
CHRIS RIEMENSCHNEIDER Star Tribune December 29, 2012 __________________ After the 400 Bar went dark a month ago, some light has finally been shed on the future of the Minneapolis West Bank live-music mainstay. The club’s historic two-story building has been sold and will likely be converted into a community center for Somali-American children, according to...
Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya oo diidey miisaaniyadda dowladda ee 2013 & 3-da xisbi qaran ee Somaliland oo la shaaciyay
Nayroobi, Dec 26, 2012 (WDN) – Baarlmaanka Soomaaliya, ayaa maanta diidey miisaaniyadda ay wasaaradda maaliyadda Soomaaliya soo diyaarisay. Taas oo uu qorshuhu ahaa in ay dowladda ku shaqeyso sannadka soo socda ee 2013. Miisaaniyadda oo ku kaceysa in kabadan 86 Miliyan oo doollarka Mareykanka ah, ayaa waxay xildhibaannadu ka doodayeen maalmihii la soo dhaafay. Xildhibaannada...
Lawmakers in Somalia reject
PressTV Dec 28, 2012 __________ The Somali Parliament has rejected the country’s budget after a series of debates. The budget has already sparked intense debates among members of parliament and was postponed on several occasions. Parliament speaker Mohamed Osman Jawari announced that seventy members of parliament voted against while 54 voted in favor of the...
Gunmen kill Kenyan policeman
By Simon Maina | AFP Dec 27, 2012 _______________ Suspected Islamists shot dead a Kenyan policeman in an ambush in the restive northeastern border town of Mandera, the latest in a string of attacks near the border with Somalia, police said Friday. “The officer was on patrol when the gunmen opened fire on him and...
Towards a balanced and civil discourse
By Abdinasir Amin Dec. 28, 2012 _____________________ I have been thinking about this particular article for a while and must admit that I’ve struggled with it not because it is difficult to write but because of the difficulty and the sensitivity of the subject matter. There is a good maxim in journalism; the cub reporter...
The World’s Worst War
By JEFFREY GETTLEMAN December 15, 2012 _____________ LAST month, as I was driving down a backbreaking road between Goma, a provincial capital in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Kibumba, a little market town about 20 miles away, I came upon the body of a Congolese soldier. He was on his back, half...
Somali Salafi Groups and the Fatwa Wars
By Hassan M. Abukar In July of this year, a group of 22 Somali Salafi scholars met in Nairobi, Kenya, and issued a fatwa (a religious edict) that condemned a young Somali cleric based in Kenya named Shaikh Hassaan Hussein Adam. He is widely known as a spiritual supporter of Al-Shabab. The signatories and attendees...
RaadRaac: Waraysi Dr. Siciid Sh. Samatar
RaadRaac: Waraysiga waxa uu Barre sare Siciid Sh. Samatar kaga hadlayaa guud ahaan xaalada Soomaaliya, iyo sababaha dhaliya in ay Soomaaliya ilaa hadda u degi la’dahay.Waraysiga waxaa qaaday Khaill C/raxmaan.
WDN Person of the Year 2011: Sharif Hassan Sh. Aden
By WardheerNews Somalis have waved goodbye to 2011 licking away the scars it left on them while dreading the new perils 2012 might have under its wings. Since the collapse of the last central government of Somalia two decades ago, Somalis have yet to see a caring year. The twenty calendar years they have so...