By Desta Gebrehiwot
Manufacturing companies put preconditions of various kinds before investing in a given country. In this context, Ethiopia has been toiling to win the hearts of investors by providing enabling policies and infrastructure.
Many companies these days are making their way to the country. According to ASOKO Insight, corporate data and information provider company on African investment activities, there has been growing demand of foreign companies to invest in Ethiopia.
In an exclusive interview with The Ethiopian Herald, ASOKO Insight Ethiopia Director Zekarias Amsalu said the company has recently launched research and data collection office in Ethiopia due to the rising demand of investors to explore country’ investment climate.
“We have been studying international investment organizations looking to move their manufacturing facility and expand their business in Africa and we found that 63 per cent of the companies are desirous of exploring Ethiopian investment opportunities.”
Ahmet Aydeniz is a Turkish investor and owner of Meat Processing Company here. He said Ethiopia is one of the best places for doing business and has conducive investment climate particularly in manufacturing sector. “In terms of manufacturing input, the country is blessed with numerous natural resources and raw materials.”
The manager said as Ethiopia is rich in livestock, it is lucrative to engage in meat production.
“We are also contributing for the transfer of knowledge and skill,” he added.
Owner and General Manager SoleRebels Bethlehem Tilahun told this journalist that the country has huge raw material which is a major requirement for manufacturing sector, while the availability of labor is more than enough. In fact, she said investment is something that you cannot succeed over night. Ethiopia is very suitable to investment despite some challenges.
Ethiopia has built specialized industrial parks that provide investors with the necessary facilitates, said Mebrhatu Meles Industry State Minister.
He said the country has created conducive opportunity to investors who want to involve in key sectors including leather articles, footwear, textiles and apparel as well as agro-processing and the likes.
Ethiopian Investment Commission Deputy Commissioner Abebe Abebayehu for his part stated that the country endowed with huge competitive labor force and provided cost-effective utility provisions for foreign investors want to involve in the market.
Source: Asoko Insider
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