Are YOU bilingual? You could be protected from Alzheimer’s: Progress of the disease is halted by 5 YEARS in those who can speak 2 languages


Scientists discovered people who spoke two languages had greater connectivity in key brain areas that protect against Alzheimer's disease (stock)

Scientists discovered people who spoke two languages had greater connectivity in key brain areas that protect against Alzheimer’s disease (stock)

When it comes to lessening the effects of Alzheimer’s, people who have spoken two languages since childhood delay the progress of the disease by 5 years, a study suggests.

A study of 85 Alzheimer’s patients found that being bilingual helped protect against the ravages of the disease.

If found the brains of people who spoke two languages had greater connectivity in key brain areas – particularly in the part of the brain which governs ‘executive control’.

The effect was greater in the people who had greater ability in the languages – with those who had used both languages more over their lifetimes showing less severe symptoms than those who had used them less.

It is the latest finding that lends support to the theory of ‘cognitive reserve’ – that while Alzheimer’s cannot be cured, people who have had greater levels of education are able to overcome the wasting of the brain caused by Alzheimer’s for longer.

People who are ‘lifelong bilingual’ delaying the onset of Alzheimer’s by 4-5 years.

Daniela Perani of Vita-Salute San Raffaele University and colleagues published their findings in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

They compared 45 people who spoke German and Italian with 40 people who just spoke either one of the languages who were suspected to have Alzheimer’s disease.

The patients, all from Northern Italy, were matched for disease duration.

The researchers said from the outset they found that the bilingual group suffering Alzheimer’s symptoms were on average five years older than the monolingual group.

The authors said: ‘Our findings suggest that the effects of speaking two languages are more powerful than both age and education in providing a protection against cognitive decline.’

Part of the reason why bilingual brains are better at resisting Alzheimer’s is because a lifetime of switching between languages, without the other language ‘interfering’ increases the density of white matter – meaning there are more connections between brain parts, making this part of the brain more resistant to degeneration.

This switching process helps build up the connectivity in brain areas linked to executive control on the left side of the brain.

These include the anterior cingulate cortex, which deals with impulse control, the left prefrontal cortex which is involved in planning complex behaviour.

While the left inferior parietal lobule, involved in emotion perception in faces and the left caudate, involved in bodily movement, are also ???.

Explaining why bilingual people have greater resistance against Alzheimer’s, they said: ‘These protective effects may be a direct consequence of how the human brain has adapted to the ‘extra effort’ provided by handling two or more languages’

The authors added: ‘Delaying the onset of dementia is a top priority of modern societies, and the present in vivo neurobiological evidence should stimulate social programs and interventions to support bilingual or multilingual education and the maintenance of the second language among senior citizens.’

Being bilingual does not just help against Alzheimer’s. Bilingual patients also recover better from strokes.

Dr Clare Walton, research Manager at Alzheimer’s Society, said: ‘This elegant study provides new evidence that people who are fluent in more than one language have some protection against dementia.

‘Brain scans showed that lifelong bilinguals have stronger connections between certain brain areas compared to those who only speak one language – this appears to allow their brains to cope better with damage before they start to show outward signs of dementia.

‘In terms of lifestyle and risk of dementia, this type of study provides a vital piece of the puzzle – it doesn’t just tell us that bilingualism is linked to reduced risk of dementia, it begins to tell us why.

‘As societies become more multicultural, this study indicates that the benefits of bilingualism could extend to helping future generations reduce their risk of the condition.’

Dr David Reynolds, chief scientific officer at Alzheimer’s Research UK, added: ‘Cognitive reserve is thought to explain why some people’s brains are more resilient to damage than others, and there is increasing evidence that being bilingual throughout life could increase our cognitive reserve.

‘This new study looked at people with mild Alzheimer’s who are lifelong bilinguals and use two languages, German and Italian, in their daily lives in Northern Italy.

‘While other studies have indicated that bilingualism can delay the onset of dementia symptoms, this study goes further, showing that there are differences in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s who are fully bilingual that could explain why they are resilient to damage.

‘It’s important to note that these benefits were seen in people who use two languages on a daily basis throughout their lives, so the findings can’t be extended to those who are non-fluent and occasionally speak a second language.

‘The findings lend weight to the theory that keeping the brain active may provide a form of cognitive reserve, helping to delay the onset of symptoms as diseases like Alzheimer’s develop.

‘In addition to keeping mentally active, the best current evidence shows that not smoking, eating a healthy diet, taking regular exercise, only drinking in moderation and keeping blood pressure and cholesterol in check can all help to keep our brains healthy as we age.’

A 2012 EU study found that 39 per cent of British people are able to conduct a conversation in a language other than English, the lowest figure, along with the Republic of Ireland, in Europe.

Source: Mail Online

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