The National Citizens Platform (NCP), and a group of like-minded Somali parliamentarians, academics, and activists and prominent members of civil society held a one day gathering to reflect on the political landscape of Somalia in the context of the critical issues facing the nation at this juncture in its political trajectory. At the conclusion of their deliberations, the group issued the following public Declaration.
- Acknowledging the long protracted civil conflict, prevalent insecurity and the consequent lack of proper socio-economic and political governance systems in the country for the past 25 years.
- Deeply concerned about the incapacity to build effective national security forces, and consequent deterioration of the security of the country and lack of coherent security policy on the part of the current government.
- Underscoring the government’s disregard for the rule of law and the respect for and sanctity of the Somali constitution, and, in this regard condemn the use of Presidential Decrees to legitimize an electoral model that was not put to public or parliamentary scrutiny.
- Dismayed by the rampant corruption, misuse and abuse of the limited resources of the state being used for personal benefits and gain, and with utter disregard for the needs of the most vulnerable members of the community in terms of provision of social services, which has led to the ranking of the Somali State as the most corrupt in the world, on all accountability, transparency and integrity measures produced by credible international agencies.
- Cognizant of undeniable fact that the processes that are being put in place and currently in consideration for transition to the 2016 elections may be rigged and may be corrupted through the use of money and bribes.
- Deeply concerned that the Somali political leadership will not honor the 30% political representation for Somali women in the upcoming election and will renege on a firm commitment made repeatedly since the Garowe Principles were signed in February 2012.
- Underlining the fact that the Somali public does not have confidence in the neutrality of the electoral committees thus far formed. With the exception of a few persons with a great deal of integrity, the majority of the members of these committees work for the Executive in one form or another and thus their neutrality is questionable.
- Dismayed by the government’s recent egregious decision banning public meetings of members of political associations and political parties in public spaces, which is contrary to fundamental rights enshrined in the Constitution and may undermine the 2016 electoral processes
- Fearful that outbreak of conflict in each electoral constituency will return the nation to more insecurity and civil strife among clans and sub-clans, if the election processes are rigged, and if the security of the clan elders and potential candidates for the two cameras of Parliament and other high offices is compromised.
- Alarmed that the enlightened and progressive elements in the country are fragmented and that the overall national opposition to the current regime are not united in their desire for transformative change at this late hour in the election processes.
- Aiming for the recovery and resurgence of national heritage, sustainable security for the public at large and economic and social transformation, and the return to legitimate and credible governance
- Calling for the formation of a forum of Change Agent Leaders (FOCAL) that makes sure a more credible, legitimate, and transparent government with sound public policies materializes after this year’s election and hence recommend the following:
- all reform minded individuals, associations and parties unite on a common goal of enabling a positive political change in Somalia that will ensure the realization of a more secure, stable and prosperous nation that is at peace with itself, with its neighbors and the world at large.
- all like-minded political leaders and parties develop a common agenda and commit in advance to its delivery one and all, encompassing the essential political, economic and social reforms necessary for transforming the nation to a respected member of the family of nations.
- the forum of change agent leaders (FOCAL) commit to the highest standards of integrity, accountability and transparency, including a commitment to build institutions to ensure the delivery of justice, equality and a developmental state based on democratic principles and the respect for the rule of law.
- The like-minded forum members commit to reconciliation of the Somali communities within a united country under cooperative federal governance.
- The forum members underscore that restoring essential protection of human life and national security is the primary responsibility of leaders, and all highlight the need for reconstituting effective and national security forces.
- Commend and encourage genuine traditional elders and political aspirants to withstand manipulation, abusive practices and corrupt tendencies that have resulted in the deplorable state of political and governance dispensation.
- Commend the humanitarian and development assistance provided to the country by the international community, and insist on the obligation of all concerned to ensure precious tax payers’ contributions be utilized for intended essential purposes, and NOT for electioneering and enrichment of the undeserving.
13.The members of the National Citizens Platform (NCP) further call for the following urgent “ Integrity” proposals:
- That the proposed electoral committees be properly re-vetted to ensure its neutrality.
- That the electoral process be ensured that it is transparent, fair, free and credible.
- That a proper mechanism be created that can effectively deter corrupt electoral practices.
- That the proposed Dispute Resolution mechanism be appointed with the consultation and consent of the opposition groups.
- That equal broadcast time of the national public media be provided to the opposition groups and non-incumbent leadership candidates.
- That the security of all the voting centers be enhanced.
- That international election monitors and observers be placed in all voting localities.
Names of Signatories:
- H.E Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo
- H.E Abdiwali Sheikh Ahmed
- H.E Abdirahman Abdishakur Warsame
- H.E Ali Haji Warsame
- Dr. Abdurahman Abdullahi Baadiyow
- Hon. Said Abdullahi Dani
- Dr. Ali Isse Abdi
- Hon. Abdullahi Godah Barre
- Dr. Anab Mohamed Dahir
- Haji Mohamed Ismail Yassin
- Mohamed Abdirizak Abokar
- Dr. Abdinasir Abdulle
- H.E Khalif Isse Mudan
- H.E Junaid Ismail Egale
- Abdurahman Hosh Jibril
- Kamal Gutaale
- Nour Sh. Ali Diinari
- Shamsa Omar Sheegoow
- Mohamed Abdi Mohamed ( Faracadde)
- Faisal Abdi Roble
- Ubah Abdullahi Aden
- Abdishakur Ali Mire
- Abdullahi Mohamed Hersi
- Sayid Ali Moallim Abdulle
- Abdullahi Mohamed Hersi
- Hon. Abdullahi Abdi Abdulle
- Prof. Abdullahi Osman Xiireey
- Bashi Hosh Jibril
- Guure Ibrahim Uunlaaye
- Hamdi Jama Ali
- Ali Abdi Wardheere ( Cali Yare)
- Fatuma Abdullahi
- H.E Abdifatah Mohamed Ibrahim Geesey
- Hassan Kaafi
- Zeynab Xaabsey
- Alas Mohamud Jama
- Yusuf Abdi Abdulle (Jaalle)
- Abdi Yusuf Hassan ( Abdi Madoobe)
- Dr. Fatuma S.A.Jiumale
- Hibo Hassan Ahmed
- Fartun Abdulle Siyad
- Ahmed A O Scego,
- Mohamed Bakari Mohamed
- Omar Abukar Omar
- Abdulkadir Ali Omar
- Qamar Scego
- Ahmed Scego
- Abdifatah Warsame Maroyare
- Zakariya Abdulkadir Nur
- Abdihamid Ali Mire
- Abdullahi Haji Abdulle
- Hon. Ibrahim Suleiman Haji Nur
- Hon. Abdi Ali Hassan
- Hon.Isse Mohamed Gurraase
- 55.Mohamed Elmi Afrah
- Hon Abdullahi Sheikh Ismail
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